
Half-orc/human is a term used to describe the offspring of an orc or half-orc parent and a human parent. Since the beginning, orcs have interbred with a number of species; mostly humans, but other half-breeds with orc parents are not unheard.

Half-orcs or Guruk-vra in orcish are uncommon on Tellene. The chaotic orcs live in disorganized bands or small settlements, ruled by the strongest among them, and the humans and half-breeds who live among them share the dangers of short life spans dictated by orcish society and the constant challenge for their right to belong. Human races persecute orcish basters in many nations, and they tend to become thugs or thieves out of necessity. Their careers often end in a dark dungeon somewhere, or at the end of a rope.

In the Lands of The Wild Lands of Tellene, tribes of human and orc barbarians live in uneasy balance, fighting in times of war and trading in times of peace. Half-orcs who are born in the Wild Lands may live with either human or orc parents, but they are nevertheless exposed to both cultures. Some, for whatever reason, leave their homeland and travel to civilized lands, bringing with them the tenacity, courage, and combat prowess that they developed in the Wild Lands.

“If the brave will all be dead, who will be the brave then” .... Half-orc proverb


The half-orc personality tends to be short tempered and sullen, though half-orc mental capabilities are often underestimated and members of the race are often significantly more cunning than full-blooded orcs. Like humans, half-orcs are quick to action, tenacious, and bold, with an adaptability that is unusual amongst most races. More often than not, half-orcs prefer simple pleasures such as feasting, singing, wrestling, or wild dancing to refined pursuits such as poetry or philosophy. Few half-orcs have the patience for the etiquette or protocol that civilization often imposes and are far from quiet about their opinions on the subject. As a result, half-orcs are often perceived as uncouth savages, a reputation perhaps accentuated by the half-orcish love of physical pleasures. Impatient and ill-tempered are stereotypes that are not too far off the mark for most half-orcs, but these qualities are not necessarily negative. Sometimes, a brash and straight to business attitude is precisely what is required. Most half-orcs are free-spirited like their orcish brethren, though they have fewer of the evil tendencies that blemish the reputation of orcs and are as likely good as they are evil, at least when raised among humans.

Physical Description

Half-orcs vary in appearance more than most other races. They are a bit taller and heavier than humans, average around 6' 6" tall and weighing 185 to 250 pounds. Males are noticeably taller and heavier than females. Half-orc’s with more orcish features have light green to grayish brown shin tones; half-orc hair is coarse like an orc's and ranges from brown to black in color. The orc lineage is unmistakable, but half-orc features are not as pronounced as those of the orc parent. A half-orc's ears are not quite as large, the nose not as piggish, and their canine teeth often grow long enough to protrude from their mouths. These "tusks," combined with heavy brows and slightly pointed ears, give them their notoriously bestial appearance. Some Half-orcs are near human with little more to distinguish them as half-orcs than prominent noses, jawlines and brows. Some of the offspring of orc and human however have dominant human traits making them appear as if they were completely human. Regardless of facial appearance, virtually every half-orc has a stature far larger than that of the average human. While half-orcs may be impressive, few ever describe them as beautiful. Despite these obvious orc traits, half-orcs are as varied as their human parents. Both humans and orcs view half-orcs as physically ugly, a view which infects some half-orcs with self-loathing. Half-orcs live longer than their orc parents, with life spans equivalent to a human's.


Half-orcs spend most of their time either with orcs or with humans, depending on who raised them. Because of their racial bond to these races, they have the closest relationships with them. They do, however, share a special bond with the other half-breeds, especially half-hobgoblins, alongside whom they often persecuted. They generally do not get along well with subterranean races, mostly because of those races hatred of orcs. They are not on friendly terms with halfing either.


Forced to live either among brutish orcs or as lonely outcasts in civilized lands, most half-orcs are bitter, violent, and reclusive. Evil comes easily to them, but they are not evil by nature-rather, most half-orcs are chaotic neutral, having been taught by long experience that there's no point doing anything but that which directly benefits themselves.

Half-Orc Lands

One generally sees half-orcs near lands dominated or frequently raided by orcs: Lake Jorakk, Shadesh Bay and southern Tarisato are prime examples. Particularly large tribes of orcs live in Krond Heights and Legasas. Thus, a few half-orcs live in small vilages in Eldor, Cosdol and the land governed by P’Bapar. The villagers treat them like any other ugly cousin: with the acceptance of family, but with no particular favor.


Half-orcs worship the human or orc gods venerated in the area where they were raised. Those who live alongside humans most often worship human gods of war, freedom, or destruction. Half-orcs raised in orc tribes find themselves most drawn to the gods of blood, fire, and iron-depending more on what god the tribe worships rather than the half-orcs' personal preference. Many half-orcs are opposed about religion, ignoring it entirely, even a half-orc divine spellcaster may wrestle with doubt and anger about religion and faith.

Most Guruk-vra tend to be loners and revere “less sociable” gods. The watcher is a common patron. Others admire power, believing that sufficient personal power will change their predicament and allow them to fit in somewhere. These half-orcs might follow the Powermaster, the Storm Lord or the Riftmaster.


Half-orcs generally speak the language of whatever culture in which they currently reside. Since many of them become wanderers, they often pick up other languages as well.


Half-orcs are often outsiders and wanderers. They take to adventuring to prove themselves and to be with other outsiders like themselves. Their great strength makes them excellent barbarians or fighter. They also become rangers, but less frequently. Paladinhood is rare, as they do not usually possess the required religious zeal. For the same reason, clerics are not a popular choice for the half-orc either. Half-orc druids are more common, as half-orc rogues, who tend to be thugs or enforcers. Half-orc monks are more common, as they often enjoy the isolation. Half-orc sorcerers are rare, and half-orc wizards even more so.

Source Notes: KoK Player's Guide; Forgotten Realms