Unicorn Clan

Population : 3,600,000; humans

(Unicorn clan noble caste,15%; common caste, 85%)

Clan Champion: Moto Gaheris

(male Unicorn Sam5/Moto avenger 10)

mports : Silver, gold

Exports: Diamonds, wool

Alignment: N

For eight hundred years, the ancestors of the Unicorn wandered the lands outside Rokugan, learning from the barbarians and creating a culture uniquely their own, synthesizing elements of barbarian cultures with their native Rokugani heritage. In the three hundred years since the Unicorns returned to Rokugan, they have left their mark on its history as the best cavalry in the empire, with a powerful commitment to diplomacy and justice.


The Unicorns serve as the magistrates of the empire, enforcing the laws of the ideal Emperor even when the commands of the actual Emperor fall short of that ideal. Their "outsider" perspective-even after three hundred years of dwelling in Rokugan gives them freedom from some of the strict mores that bind other clans, and a Unicorn magistrate is willing to report a truth that an Ikoma historian would never allow himself to speak, such as the deeds of an unjust Emperor or an embarrassment for their clan. The Unicorns are also excellent diplomats, and strive to keep the fracturing peace among the clans.

Toward the end of the War Against the Shadow, the Unicorns were finally able to purge a dark blot from their clan's honor the corruption of the Moto by the Shadowlands. After hundreds of years of serving the Shadowlands' evil, the Dark Moto are gone, and the Moto family rides proudly once more. Still, the Moto have not forgotten their lost kin, and continue to ride into the Shadowlands and war against its evil. The fact that a member of the Unicorn clan, Iuchi Shahai, is now a mighty power in the Shadowlands, the so-called "Dark Daughter of Fu Leng," leaves many in the Unicorn clan angry and ashamed. As a result, the Unicorns are rapidly becoming.


The Unicorn lands consist of vast expanses of rolling plains, grasslands, and low hills between a trio of great lakes and surrounded by lofty mountains. Perhaps forty percent of the Unicorn population live as nomads, wandering the plains while herding sheep and horses from place to place with the seasons. The rest live in cities and castles along the lake shores, rivers, and mountain edges. The Shinjo and Utaku families live in the northern lands around Dragon Lake, while the Ide and Iuchi dwell across the Spine of the World Mountains, near Scorpion lands and the Chrysanthemum Petal Lake.