Book of Locust

The canon known as “Swarms” is a relatively thin book with bold, evocative print and striking images. Its graphics include terrible beasts, vermin and undead. Color is scarce, but the images are no less disturbing for the lack.

Swarms includes seven sections called Dooms. Each section, titled Locusts, Plague, Drought, etc., begins with the description of a thriving city (or island, in one case) and ends with its eventual destruction. The greatest is the final Doom, Famine; the Pestilent Ones leave warnings about their approach from this Doom that observant townsfolk might notice.

Swarms is apocalyptic in its descriptions. The passages include fearsome threats, diabolic plans for defeating foes and cryptic portents of impending and horrible doom for all races and peoples. Teachings include self-deprivation of all kinds, but in particular, readers are to refrain from eating. Staying hungry, both literally and figuratively, honors Cropslayer.

This canon costs 40 gp, and its clerics only part with it for other clerics or for potential converts. Clerics of the Locust Lord will kill to recover a canon held by one who should not own it, preferably with devastating spells such as creeping doom.