Timeline Of Rokugan

The Ancient Time Flourishing of the nagas, tengus, kitsus, and nezumi.

The Beginning of Time - The Fall of the Kami, the establishment of human civilization and the founding of the Great Clans.


The Day of Thunder: Shinsei takes one mortal from each of the Great Clans into the Shadowlands, where they bind Fu Leng with the Black Scrolls.


Uikku, the Serene Prophet, found by the Phoenix clan. Uikku's prophecies give insight into the Tao of Shinsei.


Kuni Nakanu notices Taint on corpses and studies its effects.


Death of Isawa Akuma, appearance of Akuma no Oni in the Shadowlands.


Crab-Crane war spurred by Crab seizure of Crane lands. The war results in an Imperial edict forbidding large-scale warfare among the clans, which remained in effect until the Scorpion Clan Coup. As a result of the war, the Yasuki family leaves the Crane clan and joins the Crab.


Rise of luchiban & Battle of Stolen Graves: Imperial Guards fight an army of animated corpses in the streets of Otosan Uchi. luchiban is captured, killed, and entombed.


luchiban's soul escapes his tomb, gathering Bloodspeakers and rising undead to assault the capital once more. luchiban is defeated at the Battle of the Sleeping River and entombed more securely.


Crane forces aid beleaguered Crab armies at the Battle of the Landbridge, marking the first Crab-Crane cooperation since 387.


Massive Shadowlands assault provokes the fall of Hiruma Castle and the building of the Kaiu Wall. 782 Fall of Morikage Castle; the castle remains haunted to this day.


Return of the Unicorn clan, greeted with arms by the Crabs, Lions, and Scorpions. Three large battles were fought at the Kaiu Wall, White Shore Plain, and theSeven Day Battle Plain before the Unicorns were accepted back into Rokugan.


Shinjo Fujimaka and Ikoma Goheshu discover naga ruins in Shinomen Forest.


Ascension of Hantei XXXVIII.


Birth of Hantei Sotorii.


Scorpion Clan Coup and ascension of Hantei XXXIX. Imperial family murdered by Scorpions, Scorpions banished, Akodo family disbanded and Toturi, the Lion Clan Champion, dishonored.

Clan Wars begin.