
For the most part, characters on Tellene use skills just like any other campaign setting elsewhere. Specific uses of these skills are described below. This list includes new skills, new uses of existing skills and Tellene-specific details for skills from the PHB.






SYNERGY: If you have 5+ ranks in Bluff, you receive a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, & Sleight of Hand, plus Disguise check to stay in character while being observed.

You can use Bluff to conceal a hidden message in everyday conversation.

Use: You can use Bluff to disguise spellcasting in normal conversation. If a listener’s Sense Motive check or Spot check exceeds your Bluff roll, that person realizes that you are casting a spell If you fail to beat DC 10 +1 per spell level, you spoke the words incorrectly and the spell fails. You lose the prepared spell or spell slot.

Retry: If the listener’s Sense Motive check or Spot check exceeds your Bluff roll, the listener associated the words you spoke with spellcasting if the spell fails or the spell effect worked. You may try again, but the watchers become suspicious and gain a +2 circumstance bonus on their Sense Motive or Spot checks.

Use: Use this skill to communicate by using hand gestures with intelligent creatures that do not share any languages with you. You must make a Bluff check for each message, and the recipient must make a Sense Motive check to receive each message. Your only indication of success is the recipient’s reaction. Failing by 5 or more ranks means that you send or receive an incorrect message.

Sending or receiving a message is a standard action.

Retry: Generally, one is allowed a retry when trying to send a message, but not when receiving one. Each retry risks miscommunication.

Use: Bluff as Innuendo skill (Trained Only); This character can get a message across to another character with the Bluff as Innuendo skill check.

The DC for a basic message is 10. The DC is 15 or 20 for complex messages, especially those that rely on getting across new information. Also, the character can try to discern the hidden message in a conversation between two other characters who are using this skill. The DC is the skill check of the character using Innuendo, and for each piece of information that the eavesdropper is missing, that character suffers a –2 penalty on the check. For example, if a character eavesdrops on people planning to assassinate a visiting diplomat, the eavesdropper suffers a –2 penalty if he doesn't know about the diplomat. Whether trying to send or intercept a message, a failure by 5 or more points means that some false information has been implied or inferred.

The DM makes the character's Innuendo check secretly so that the character doesn't necessarily know whether the character was successful.

Retry: Generally, retries are allowed when trying to send a message, but not when receiving or intercepting one. Each retry carries the chance of miscommunication.

Special: If the character has 5 or more ranks in Bluff, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on the check to transmit (but not receive) a message. If the character has 5 or more ranks in Sense Motive, the character gets a +2 synergy bonus on the check to receive or intercept (but not transmit) a message.


A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something the character is trained in. (a craft, trade, or art).





SYNERGY: +2 bonus for Masterwork Tools, or –2 penalty for improvised tools this does not include the effects of quility of tools as it relates to improvised tools.

In addition to the ability to create useful and decorative items, the Craft skill may be helpful in identifying items and providing important adventure clues. A craftsman can tell if a particular item isthe product of their own culture (DC 10), determine the national origin of a foreign item (DC 15), or determine the approximate age of an item (DC 15 own culture, DC 20 foreign culture) A character with 5 ranks or more in Knowledge (history) gains +2 synergy bonus to this application.

Craftsmen of any sort may substitute their Craft skill for the Appraise skill to estimate the value of items they are capable of producing.

Characters who derive income from their craft may take 10 to earn 16 + 1d8 gp once per month. Those with more than 6 ranks in their Craft skill may earn an additional +2 gp per month for each additional rank. Characters with more 12 ranks in Craft are considered expert artisans and their fine craftsmanship is typically sought out by noblemen or other wealthy individuals who commission unique works.