Keepers of the Word


Clerics and worshippers of the Lord on High are trustworthy and honorable. They never make covenants lightly. However, they naively expect this behavior from others, as well. The Keepers of the Word believe that every time a promise is kept their god grows stronger. They often serve as witnesses to contracts, treaties, marriages and other agreements.

Their holy prayer book contains the code of ethics by which they live. It promotes fairness to all, yet it states that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Many kingdoms have incorporated large portions of The Word into their legal system. When making a vow, a Keeper holds forth this book. This is how the expression “I give you my word” came to be.

Adventures: Keepers of the Word go to extreme lengths to make sure that their word, once given, is not broken. If an unforeseen event causes them to undertake epic quests, they endeavor with all their might to see that no obstacle prevents them from keeping the promise, no matter how dire the threat or minor the reward.

Characteristics: Keepers of the Word must exercise great Wisdom in their comments. They regard even a stray comment as an oath, and major promises are meant to be inviolate. In order to keep from promising the impossible, they must be deliberate and insightful. The Keepers of the Word do not attack opponents from the rear because they believe doing so to be dishonorable.

Background: Keepers of the Word might be inspired to join the faith because they have been hurt by dishonesty or mistrust. They join the ranks of the Keepers of the Word initially to prove their merit, and eventually they accept more and more of the faith’s dogma.

Races: Dwarves are prominent Keepers of the Word, as are gray elves, humans, hobgoblins, half-hobgoblins and halflings. The other races, while individuals may be able to keep their word, do not have equal reputations within the faith.

Relations With Other Classes: Keepers of the Word deal with any individual that demonstrates trustworthiness and honesty. Paladins, whose ideals are well known, are instant friends, while rogues have to work hard to earn their trust.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead, and those that associate with them, at all costs. Animating, creating, or otherwise associating with undead may bring excommunication from the church. The faith allows for little flexibility with this rule.

Role: In society, Keepers of the Word serve as witnesses to documents, contracts, marriages and other agreements between people. In this capacity, they might act as auditors, reviewing a merchant’s documents for evidence of fraud or embezzlement.