College of Magic - Spellcasters

Arcane Spellcasters

Arcane spellcasters can enroll in the school to increase their knowledge by becoming a Member. This includes bards, spell singers, sorcerers, wizards, and any other class that can cast arcane spell or ability. However, bards and spellsingers may not be members of both the College of Magic and the Bardic College at the same time. Time spent in one of the Colleges does not count toward advancement in the other.

Divine Spellcasters

Divine spellcasters may enroll in the College of Magic, but since their spells come from their faith in a God, the Instructors do not really “teach” them in the same sense as those with arcane ability. Players who desire to have their divine spellcasters as students in the College of Magic may do so at their discretion. The individual must meet the same requirements as the arcane spell casters, but for divine spells (a divine Member must be able to cast 0-level divine spells – and they receive all feat and prestige class access as normal).

The College does have additional restrictions upon divine casters based upon agreements made with the Temples and Churches. Divine casters of accepted faiths do not gain any item creation or spell access through association with the College. These benefits are gained through membership in a religious organization. Divine casters without ties to religious organizations, like druids and shaman, have full access to all benefits to which they qualify.