Sisterhoods of Pelor

The Sisterhood of Eternal Light

The sisterhood’s depictions portray the sun god crossing the sky in a burning chariot of fire drawn by equally fiery horses. Not alone in these images, but with a charioteer as a guide. These images reflect Pelor destroying evil with bolts of sunlight. The image of the sun god in his chariot was (and still is) quite popular in many lands. The charioteer is often the image of a female in these portrayals with a healing hand upon Pelor himself. This image is popular even among adherents of the Old Faith, which sees Pelor as an anthropomorphic manifestation of the Sun itself. In fact, eyewitness accounts of powerful druids summoning flaming chariots drawn by fiery horses are not uncommon; leading some sages to speculate the forms taken by divine magic are influenced by culture as much as by the Divine Powers themselves.

The Sisterhood follows the teachings of the Book of Sol, and the High Mother and its order reports to the Master of Light directly.

All priestess of Pelor favor light yellow garb of varying shades, though many accentuate their yellow garb with accessories of bronze or brass, orange, and white. For official services, priestess dress in yellow robes, and only the High Mother is trimmed in gold. Many wear their hair long and loose in imitation of the rays of the sun, but it is often tied back or otherwise secured in situations where it could be dangerous or a nuisance.

Services to Pelor are held in tall, airy, bright temples with open courtyards and lots of windows and/or skylights. On sunny days, services are often held outdoors. Typical services consist of hymns, sermons, and prayers.

Priestess' of Pelor make good adventuring companions, due to their healing spells, relatively good combat prowess, and ability to turn undead. A priestess of Pelor prefers her adventuring companions to be of good or neutral alignments. The priestess of Pelor may occasionally adventure with evil characters, so long as their overall goal serves the greater good. Even so, a priestess of Pelor will never engage in evil acts.

Discalced Sisters of the Sublime Light

This sisterhood has only one convent of its order, and it is located in the southwest region of the Reanarria Bay. Their followers are all orphans and come from all parts of the world. The order only excepts 12 orphans a year. and they are all released to spread the good word of Pelor at the age of 17. The order has no position within their ranks, other then priestess which serves as both title and social class. All of the day to day dealings are reported and controled by The Sisterhood of Eternal Light and its High Mother.