Knightly Orders of Pekal

Knightly Orders Introduction

With war on the horizon, Prince Kafen has decided to institute several new organizations to ensure the country of Pekal is defended if and when the military is mobilized on a large scale. To this end, he has issued proclamations forming new Knightly Orders to defend its citizens and resources. These join the existing Military Orders as Pekal’s front line of defense.

Knights of the Lake

This order of Knights is based in Bet Rogala and tasked with the defense of the cities and towns that surround Lake Eb’Sobet. Numbering nearly 100 strong, this group is led by a former cavalry officer from the Pekalese Military.

Trained as cavalry, patrols of these Knights move around the circumference of the lake on a frequent basis. With the military beginning to change their deployment strategies, the Knights are quickly becoming a common sight in many of the smaller trade towns around Lake Eb’Sobet.

Order of Light

This knightly order was disbanded by the King during the war of independence from Kalamar after information surfaced that it was a hotbed of secret Imperial Support. It has been recently reinstated after a long campaign by many of the noble families, despite the Prince’s misgivings regarding the Order’s precepts. The Order of Light is based on the belief that while anyone can rise to become a leader of men, only those of truly noble bearing can shine the brightest. In the past, the Order of Light was formed from the most important noble families of the land, and often many allied nations sent their sons to fill its ranks.

In agreeing to resurrect the Order, the Prince made one stipulation, no person could be barred from attempting to join simply based on their heritage. While many nobles strongly disagreed with this fundamental change, most have now accepted that it is better to have the Order in some form – even “watered down” – than not at all. Instead, the noble families have made it very difficult for non-nobles to advance by keeping advancement restrictions very difficult for those of less nobler heritage.

Riders of the Lance

When Pekal first broke away from the Kalamaran Empire, the noble houses formed groups of mounted troops to protect their land holdings from the new government. Their oppression at the hands of the Kalamaran Empire made noble families wary of strong centralized government. Declaring their intent to protect the interests of the nobility, they collaborated, seeking a way to form a body of armed warriors and house troops that would answer to the noble houses, not the government of Pekal.

House Matikis was one of the first to call for the formation of an independent body of armed soldiers, who would swear loyalty to the noble houses, defending them should the government of Bet Rogala become as oppressive as the Vast. These brave men and women, members of the nobility themselves, became the first Riders of the Lance. Duke Ansalan Matikis himself loaned the first group of Riders thirty Gaketan stallions from his stables.

Understandably, Prince Kafen at first resisted the moves of the noble houses, worried that after leading one rebellion, he would face another from within the Principality. Over time, cooperation grew between the nobility and the throne, and the tensions diminished. The Riders organization, however, did not lose its prestige or its pride. Formed of both cavalry and mounted archers, the Riders remain dedicated to protecting the interests of the Pekalese nobility. Those in leadership roles are veteran riders who have often served as officers in the Pekalese army. Some say this is one of the key reasons why the Prince allows the continued existence of the Riders. Filling out the lower ranks are second and third sons and daughters of the nobility, who often find it an honor to serve among the ranks of the Riders, earning prestige that their birth order would normally not allow.

The Riders have served with distinction in the recent ongoing conflict with Tokis. They are often found patrolling the lands, searching for evil humanoids, Tokite guerillas and other threats to the country. The officers of the Riders answer to a group of nobles who are independent of the Prince known as the Council. All noble houses, excluding the royal family and lower ranking Baronets, may select a member to serve as a representative on the Council, though some smaller houses choose to allow a larger house to represent them. Decisions made by the Council have absolute power over the Riders, regardless of the will of the Prince.

Knights of the Arcanum

This order of Knights is made up entirely of warrior/wizards from the College of Magic. Their duties are to both the College of Magic and the Principality of Pekal. During times of war, the Knights of the Arcanum accompany the wizards of the army, protecting them at all cost as the wizards applied their arts against the enemy forces. During times of peace, the Knights study both the art of war and the art of magic within the College of Magic. They can often be found as the guardians of the College of Magic.