
In two words - noble servant, is the best description of a dragonborn. While still a very secretive race, dragonborn have started to emerge more often, many believe this is because evil has gained ground.

Some speculate that the Rite of Rebirth prompts those who undergo it to adopt a particular mindset, instilling values and norms as innate instincts. Others surmise that the long ceremonial process includes specific training, indoctrinating the new dragonborn.

These are the thoughts of outsiders. Those who have undergone the rite do not speak of it. They merely smile and shake their heads at all such theories, their eyes tinged with the burden of some indescribably beautiful sorrow.


These servants of dargons are epitomize devotion to righteousness. Dragonborn carry themselves with good deportment, seeing themselves as humanoid representations of noble dragonkind. Their very appearance is misleading, but given a chance they will display an impressive virtue for their only true purpose, protecting Tellene.

A dragonborn has a confidence, direction, and mild sense of superiority. They need not wonder their purpose in life. An intense sense of kinship exists between all dragonborn, a feeling that only others of their kind can truly understand.

They are the chosen, adopted by a dragon for a greater duty. Their lives have purpose and definition. Despite, or perhaps because of all this depth of identity and self-assurance, the psychology of dragonborn is simple. Every resource at hand is used to combat evil and those who aid them. These enemies must be opposed. Dragonborn don’t spend their time with what they see as everyday & domestic things, they are ever ready to take up arms and combat evil.

Physical Description

So thoroughly has a dragonborn physically transformed that only the framework of their former appearance remains. Dragonborn are always slightly bigger than most other members of their original race. Dragonborn differ in size as much as members of their original race do. Typically, a dragonborn becomes larger and full-bodied in her new form, gaining 1 to 2 inches of height and 5% to 10% in weight.

Dragonborn wear clothing that is both simple and elegant. Their garb is normally of higher quality, such as combed cotton, soft wool, crisp linen, or fine silk, often dyed in tones resembling metals or jewels, these rich garments are often plain in style. The clothing a dragonborn wears combines beauty and utility.

The armor a dragonborn wears is always maintained and eye-catching. Perhaps it’s polished to a mirror like sheen, or designed to resemble dragon scales. A dragonborn’s armor makes a statement about the wearer and their ideals while providing ample defense. Dragonborn never use dragonhide for clothing or armor. To wear the skin of a dragon is as disgusting as wearing human skin is to most humans. While some adventurers might prize souvenirs of dragon teeth, claws, and so forth, dragonborn avoid these grisly trophies.


A dragonborn never just walks into an inn, patrons’ heads would turn and eyes stare, perhaps even attack on sight. What they see in a single glance is a dragon, but if given a second glance they will see a humanoid like any other. In every aspect of their presence, dragonborn consciously act as emissaries of their adoptive parent.

Dragonborn take a strategic view toward other races. Anyone and everyone might be useful to the dragonborn cause. A dragonborn tends to hold members of their original race in a place of high esteem and gentle affection. Having grown up as such a creature, they better understands them and their culture.


Dragonborn hold their alignment from birth and its fight to defeat the forces of evil is a consist part of everything they do, so Lawful good is the most common alignment, thou some have been know to be Neutral good or Chaotic good. They will always join good-aligned adventuring companies to gain allies in their struggle.


While dragonborn are too few in number to create cities or even small settlements of substance, they do gather on occasion. Such gatherings are temporary encampments, staging areas from which to launch attacks on evil or places to regroup after a foray against evil.

These camps provide shelter and comfort for a dragonborn and their allies. Since the purpose of the temporary settlement is fighting the spawn of evil, the dragonborn in charge provides central leadership and coordination.

These camps are heavily fortified even if they’re only intended for a few days of use. They are organized places of defense. Every possible form of attack is considered. The camp provides strong defense from earthbound attackers and adequate defense even against aerial assaults.


Dragonborn view dragons simultaneously as their deity. They accord them with honor and worship. The relationship between dragonborn and a dragon is familial and liberal enough that dragonborn can and do honor other gods. Dragonborn clerics continue to worship and gain spells from their original chosen deity. This behavior is condoned by both the dragon and deity as long as the deity is not evil and has no affiliation with questionable behavior.


Dragonborn speak Draconic whenever possible. To speak in the tongue of dragons is to honor all dragonkind. They prefer to converse in Draconic with each other and on matters of importance. However, they do speak other languages and use Merchant Tongue generally when speaking with others not of the dragonkind.


A dragonborn’s focus no life is fighting the spawns of evil. Every waking moment is spent in that pursuit, though it might not be obviously so to any other observer. Some will ask how could attending a society dance or helping a friend build a stronghold have anything to do with fighting evil’s spawn? In the case of a dragonborn, one can be sure that each action does tie into the fight against evil.