Timeline Of Kalamar

Structure of time

A year is exactly 364 days long, there are 13 months of 28 days each.

They are:

1. Renewal

2. Sowing

3. Mustering

4. Declarations

5. Mid-Season Harvest

6. Replanting

7. Seige-Hold

8. Arid

9. Reaping

10. Harvest

11. Frosting

12. Snowfall

13. Famine

The year begins on the first day of Renewal, in the spring, and ends on the 28th day of Famine.

Each week is comprised of seven days, thusly:

1. Diaday

2. Pelsday

3. Katarday

4. Fireday

5. Homeday

6. Godday

7. Veshday