Alt. Classes

alt. Base Class list & more Variants

Alt. Base Class List

Basiran Dancer



Why would anyone want to be a duskblade? They can't blast cities with powerful spells, or have the versatility of a wizard. They are not like a fighter or ranger neither for combat nor with powerful defensive abilities. They can't specialize in fighting or spellcasting as other classes do, but they are excellent support. If a party already has a warrior, spellcaster, and skilled character, a duskblade can really shine as the fourth member, assisting in combat while blasting things up. By selecting a few tactical spells, they could easily get the role of the leader in a group.



The hurts of the world are manifold. Minor accidents are common, and usually easily dealt with. However, when conflict and all-out warfare occur, they leave misery and hurt in their wake that can stagger the imagination. While good-aligned clerics are called upon to heal, the complex obligations and abilities often get in the way of pure solace and remediation. Not so the healer. One of the healer’s great purposes in life is to provide protection, and failing that, healing, to all good people who require their aid.


The Hoplite is a very well trained soilder that focuses on combat with their specialized shortsword, spear, and shield. Those who choose this path model themselves on a rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.



Those few who would find it in them to become Shamans feel the pull of nature. Without regard for their own well-being do they follow their own path. Their crafts are the direct result of deity worship and their personal devotion, placing their bodies in the hands of the Gods who in turn empower them with divine magic. This knowledge of spells is not innate, nor does it come easy, and the investiture of spells is a process both rapturous and baleful. A gift of the gods, the trees, the water, the stone, the sun, the moon, beast and man are not to be treated lightly, and many have succumbed in their quest for this power. The ancient, primitive craft of shamanism rewards those who are true of character and commit themselves to the spiritual journey.

Shaman-High Seas

The high Sea Shaman is rare in the pirate world of Tellene. Their primitive, tribal origins seldom offer them the opportunity to join up with a pirate crew, and their superstitious natures often make them ill-suited to life at sea. A shaman on a pirate crew is usually a slave owned by the captain or another officer, or one who has struck out alone, separated from her tribe for some reason. Regardless of their origins, many shamans treat their crewmates as a kind of surrogate tribe, and their blessings and rituals to appease ocean spirits often make sailors feel a bit more at ease. After all, the sea is a fickle mistress, and to the sailors' way of thinking, it can never hurt to have as much divine aid on their side as possible. The piratical shaman, focus less on combat and more on divination magic and magic that can quell or control dangerous storms. Seagoing shamans will likely have animal companions that do not need much room on board ship, such as an eagle, owl or snake. They also may have aquatic animal companions.


Master of the spirit world, the spirit shaman follows a different divine tradition than the cleric or the druid. Their world is filled with powerful, living spirits, some helpful and some malign. By bargaining with these spirits, the spirit shaman gains power over the natural world and mighty divine magic with which to aid their comrades or smite their enemies.





Alt. Variant Class List
