Religious Feats


Choose a deity, and then select a domain available to clerics of that deity. You can learn to cast the spells associated with that domain as arcane spells.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, able to cast arcane spells, alignment matches your deity’s alignment

Benefit: Add the chosen domain’s spells to your class list of arcane spells. If you have arcane spellcasting ability from more than one class, you must pick which arcane spellcasting ability this feat applies to. Once chosen, this decision cannot be changed for that feat.

You may learn these spells as normal for your class; however, you use Wisdom (rather than the normal ability for your spellcasting) when determining the save DC for the spell. In addition, you must have a Wisdom score equal to 10 + the spell’s level in order to prepare or cast a spell gained from this feat.

Each day, you may prepare (or cast, if you cast spells without preparation) a maximum of one of these domains spells of each level.

Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time, you must select a different domain available to the same deity you chose the first time you selected the feat.


Your church is locked in eternal conflict with followers of another faith, you have learned to fight effectively against the infidels. You know their ways and how to beat them.

Prerequisite: Worship of a specific deity

Benefit: You acquire a favored enemy, this feat functions like the ranger favored enemy class feature, except the exact type of creature you oppose, usually followers of another deity is determined by your faith, for a list of appropriate enemies of your deity.


Within your church, you are respected and trusted.

Prerequisite: Cha 13, Temple rank 1+

Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance modifier to all Charisma-based checks for each temple rank you hold, when interacting with other followers of your faith. This bonus does not apply in combat situations, and does not apply if those you are speaking with that do not know of your rank and position within the church.


Whether by birth or nurture, you are inclined towards a divine calling.

Prerequisite: Cha 15

Benefit: You treat levels in your highest divine spellcasting class as a favored class in addition to any favored class from race or other features.

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.


You have learned that study is just as important as insight to finding enlightenment.

Prerequisite: Int 13, member of Zealots of the Written Word monk order

Benefit: You can use your Intelligence bonus instead of your Wisdom bonus for determining your monk AC bonus and for determining the save DC against your stunning fist and quivering palm attacks. You can study your thesis notes for 1 hour to treat your monk level as two higher for determining one of the following monk abilities: unarmed damage, AC bonus, or unarmored speed bonus. This benefit lasts for 24 hours, at which point you can study your notes again to gain the same or a different effect. You can't study your notes more than once in any 24-hour period.


Your divine might increases on your patron's holy days.

Prerequisite: 1st level Cleric, Worship of a specific deity

Benefit: On any day devoted to your god. you gain a +1 sacred bonus to your caster level when casting cleric spells.


Your skin is pale with a very light blue tint and your left eye is pale blue (your right eye is some other non-blue color); these features identify you as an ally to the Temple of Sleepless Nights and grant you supernatural qualities.

Prerequisite: Patron deity must be the Prince of Terror

Benefit: Your left eye radiates faint evocation magic if it is viewed with a detect magic spell, and faint evil if viewed with a detect evil spell.

Cleric is now a favored class for you; the cleric class does not count when determining whether you take an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Once per day, you can cause one creature within 30 feet that meets your gaze to become overwhelmed with a wave of supernatural cold. The target can resist the effects of this attack with a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier), otherwise it causes cold damage equal to your Charisma modifier + 3 (minimum 1 point of damage) and causes the victim to become fatigued. If you use this attack against someone who is fatigued, they instead become exhausted. Using this supernatural ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Special: If you ever lose favor with the Prince of Terror, or change your patron deity to another deity, you lose all benefits of this feat but your unusual skin color and eye color remain. You do not gain a replacement feat. If you later return to The Prince of Terror faithful and receive an atonement spell, you regain the benefits of the feat.


Your lifelong ties to the church make it easier for you to advance within the church hierarchy.

Benefit: Any experience points cost for you to advance in temple rank are reduced by half

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.


You can use divine energy to gain a temporary boost to an ability score.

Prerequisite: Patron deity the Holy Mother

Benefit: Once per day you can call upon your deity and gain a +2 bonus to any one ability score. The bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).


Your god protects your followers in battle

Prerequisite: Patron deity The Old Man, Leadership, Ability to cast divine spells

Benefit: Your followers and cohorts gain a +1 divine bonus on saves against any attacks or effects created by followers of an enemy faith.


You command a degree of respect in your church's hierarchy.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, Temple rank 2+

Benefit: Add Gather Information and Knowledge (local) to your list of class skills. This benefit represents your ability to learn details about any community from the clergy or your church. In addition, if you take the Leadership feat, you gain a +2 bonus to your Leadership score.


The earnest and sincere nature of your prayers results in some minor aid or boon from your deity.

Prerequisite: Wis 15, Temple rank 1+

Benefit: Once per day, you can spend a full round action to pray and receive a +20 bonus on your next skill check, attack roll, or saving throw, whichever comes first. After you perform that action, you automatically become fatigued for one round, after which you return to normal. If unused, the bonus disappears after 24 hours.


You draw power from your unholy devotion.

Prerequisite: Chosen of Evil, Evil Brand

Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability against a creature of the good subtype or a creature that radiates an aura of good, the save DC, if any, increases by 2.


Your god rewards you for converting unbelievers.

Prerequisite: Temple rank 1+

Benefit: Once you character converts an unbeliever to his religion, you may re-roll your next three d20 results determining success or failure, but before the result is applied. You select the more favorable roll, apply the result as if it had been the only roll.


The Priests of Transition have guided you through strange rituals that left you poised between the world of the living and the dead.

Prerequisite: Patron deity The Rotlord, Elf

Benefit: Your skin becomes sallow and pinched, giving you the appearance of a zombie or lich.

Your bond to the world of the dead provides you with two benefits.

When you cast a necromancy spell, your effective caster level is increased by one.

When you spend an action point on an attempt to turn or rebuke undead, it applies to both the turning check and the subsequent turning damage check.


You bear a birthmark in the shape of the holy symbol of the Knight of the Gods (a golden eye with a blue and white diamond pattern) somewhere on your body; this mark identifies you as an ally of the Hall of the Valiant and grants you supernatural qualities.

Prerequisite: Your patron deity Knight of the Gods

Benefit: The actual birthmark itself radiates faint abjuration magic if it is viewed with a detect magic spell, and faint good if viewed with a detect good spell.

You are immune to the frost touch special attacks. Additionally, you can handle all forms of ice barehanded without taking any cold damage.

Cleric is now a favored class for you; the cleric class does not count when determining whether you take an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

You gain a +2 sacred bonus to your Armor Class against evil-aligned creatures with the cold subtype.

Special: If you ever lose favor with the Knight of the Gods, or change your patron deity to another deity, the Mark of the Knight fades and you lose all benefits of this feat. You do not gain a replacement feat. If you later return to the Knight of the Gods faithful and receive an atonement spell, the mark reappears and you regain the benefits of the feat.


The power and grace of the Sun Lord has enhanced your ability to turn undead.

Prerequisite: Patron deity The Eternal Lantern, divine grace, turn undead

Benefit: You turn undead as a cleric of your class level.

Normal: A paladin turns undead as a cleric two levels lower would.


You receive flashes of insight from your deity.

Prerequisite: Charisma 13, Divine Fervor, patron deity is a member of The Gray Assembly

Benefit: You gain a +1 luck bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. In addition, you can call upon your deity once per day for limited information about the future in general, although this usage of the feat temporarily depletes your capacity for divine insight. The effect is similar to that of an augury spell, except there is no material component and you can see only about 10 minutes into the future. This usage of the feat is a spell-like ability requiring a full-round action. Once you have used the feat in this way, the luck bonus it normally provides is negated for the rest of the day.


You can smite chaotic creatures as well as evil ones.

Prerequisites: Patron deity The True, ability to smite evil

Benefit: Your smite evil class ability also works against chaotic creatures. Additionally, you may use your smite ability one more time per day. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not chaotic or evil, the smite has no effect but is still used up for the day. Smite evil and smite chaos are supernatural abilities.


Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and dedication.

Prerequisite: Must worship a single deity, Must be within one step of that god's alignment

Benefit: Once per day when you are about to make a saving throw you may declare that you are using this feat to gain a +2 bonus on that saving throw. This feat also allows you to use a relic of the deity you worship.