
population 1,275,000

Until 107 years ago, the Principality of Pekal was one of the Vast Empire’s largest holdings. The people of Pekal, having enough of the oppressive Kalamaran Empire, revolted. Theleader of the revolution, Lamnian Endremin, was a half-elf with both elven (Cilorean) and Brandobian (Mendarn) royal blood. Aid from Cilorea assured a successful revolution in less than a fortnight.However, Lamnian was slain in battle while his troops were capturing the Imperial command. His son, Kafen, was to be crowned King by the people, but he refused, accepting rulership as prince only. He believed that his father alone deserved to be king and Prince Kafen’s first official ruling was that Pekal shall have no king, and for evermore shall only be ruled by princes. Kafen’s elven heritage has given him along life, and even today, the venerable Kafen still holds the throne of Pekal.

For the last ten years, the Principality of Pekal has been at war with the Kingdom of Tokis, but over the last two years the fighting has been reduced to border skirmishes. Pekal would have been overrun if not for the aid received from Paru’Bor, Tharggy and Cilorea who supplied arms, armor and troops. The College of Magic has also supplied wizards who have become a permanent corps of the army.

The navy is greatly outnumbered by the Empire, having only 90 warships, but its ranks are swelled somewhat by pirates paid to attack Imperial frigates and merchant ships bound for the Kalamaran lands.

Pekal has a reputation for racial tolerance and harmony. Because of these Pekalese attitudes, a wide variety of both human and humanoid races dwell within its borders. Among the most common are Brandobians, Dejy, Kalamarans, halflings, gnomes and elves. Dwarvesand Svimohz are sometimes encountered and monstrous humanoids are rarely seen.

The Pekalese tolerate all good gods and even some evil religions persist in smaller communities. The most popular churches are: the Temple of Enchantment, the Halls of the Valiant, the Assembly of Light, the Parish of Love and the Order of Thought.

The Principality does not have many resources other than foodstuffs, some trace minerals and textiles. Although not wealthy,the people are well fed and happy with the current state of affairs.