Ice Dwarf

Ice dwarves tend to typically enjoy the wildlife but even with this natural affinity to the wild they still chose not to follow the path of a druid's life. Ice dwarves prefer the ranger class and are also fighters, they do try to stay out of fights unlike other dwarves. But if honor is in question they will pick up an axe and teach someone a good leason.


An Ice Dwarf will shun most strangers, but they're some of the most loyal friends someone could find. They mine as often as possible, but they have a deep rooted sense that no matter what they should travel the wilderness when they can and get to learn the wild life, maybe even befriend it.

Physical Description

Ice Dwarves are the tallest among the frostfell dwarves ranging from 3'8" to 4'8". They weigh any wear from 160 to 240 lbs. They have very pale almost white skin, some say like snow. They mostly have blond, white, or gray hair, and all Ice dwarves have beards and every male Ice Dwarf has a beard which is typically very long even at a young age.


They tend to get along well with all dwarves, except the dark dwarves. They like elves more than most other dwarves do, they have some times even lived with them. They despise all gobliods, orc, and giant kind as they are well prepared for them.


Ice Dwarves are usually a form of neutral, and they tend toward good. Ice dwarves are far from traditional dwarves and are unlikely to be lawful or chaotic.

Ice Dwarf Lands

Ice Dwarves, are very much like any other dwarf kind, but unlike their brethren, tend not to live under ground. They normally live at the snowline, which is the point above were snow and ice cover the ground throughout the year. Ice Dwarves take up residence at the beginning of these snowlines of the highest mountains all across Tellene.


The Speaker of the Word is also known as "Seslik" in dwarven. Most Ice dwarves worship this deity for the canons strong ties to its pledging oath to honor. Others also worship The Great Huntress because of the deity’s solid ties to wild life.


An Ice dwarf will almost never travels outside their snow cover lands, but if they do they tend to trade and stay close to the mountains, they will learn the Merchant Tongue, while adventuring warriors will usually learn a goblinoid language or the strongest local race languages to their home.


Many Ice dwarves like the wild so much they often become surprisingly good druids. Their tracking and guide abilities plus added familiarity with the highest and harshest climates in the mountains make them excellent rangers and well-rounded fighters; some say they are as great as mountain dwarves.