L5R Classes


- are hunters, raiders, and nomads. They live by instinct and natural talents, beyond the bounds of civilization. A ferocious warrior who uses fury and instinct to bring down foes. This class is unchanged from its description, except for cultural considerations.


- are professional soldiers from alt ranks of society. A warrior with exceptional combat capability and unequaled skill with weapons. This class follows the description of the fighter class, except for cultural considerations and available bonus feats.


- are martial artists in the purist sense; their life is devoted to mastering a single weapon and achieving perfection in its use.


- seek to create a perfect union between mind and body through the practice of meditation and fighting skills. A martial artist whose unarmed strikes hit fast and hard, a master of exotic powers. Monks can customize their powers to a certain extent, and can multiclass freely.


- are practitioners of ninjutsu, the art of invisibility. They are masters of stealth, disguise,

acrobatics, and assassination. They cannot operate openly, so all ninja must also be bushi, sohei, wu jen, or yakuza. The ninjia is detailed in the link below.


- are cunning, skilled warrior of the wilderness. This class is unchanged from its description, except for cultural considerations.


- are skillful scout and spy who wins the battle by stealth & tricky rather than brute force. This class is unchanged from its description, except for cultural considerations and weapon proficiencies.


- are members of an elite class of warrior nobility. Their prime duty is to be absolutely loyal to their master (daimyo) and serve him however he commands. A noble warrior sworn to a code of honor, obedience, and loyalty. The samurai is detailed in the link below.


- are intermediary between the mortal world and the realm of the spirits, a master of divine magic. The shaman is unchanged from its description.


- are wandering holy men. They act as teachers, advisors, and healers to whomever needs their aid. They are respected by all for their devotion and magical abilities. A master of elemental forces, a religious, figure who wields divine magic. The shugenja is detailed in the link below.


- are warrior priests, though more warrior than priest. They protect monasteries from attacks and extend the monasteries' political claims. Sohei have limited magical ability.

Wu Jen

- are sorcerors and magicians. They usually live as hermits in remote areas, and are greatly

feared and respected for their powers. A potent arcane spellcaster. The wu jen is detailed in the link below.


- are thugs and extortionists, but they are also peacekeepers and guardians of the common man. Structured bands of yakuza collect tribute from the local merchants in exchange for protection.