Armor of the Benevolent Hierarchy

Many centuries ago after the great conquest of the Kalaramian Empire a sect of necromancers known as the ‘Deliverers of Death’ began to spread quickly across the lands. Because raising an army would be an act of war against the ‘Empire’ all of the Celestial Council gathered to form an order known as the ‘Captains of the Heavenly Order’ their purpose was to gather followers and venture out to ride the lands of all necromancers. As a symbol of position and protect, each church made an armor with the crest of the newly formed order (Winged Lion's Head). The many suits of armor act as symbols of unity between the churches and a sign that those that follow would also have the protection of the churches.

In total there are fifteen (15) types of armor; one for each of those part of the Celestial Council. Only five (5) are known to still be in the hands of their respected clergy.

The following powers and properties are part of each armor;

Enhancement Bonus

+3 enchantment bonus to AC, metal parts are made of mithral, leather parts are made of dragon hide.

Hardness and Hit Ponts

Hardness 15, Hit Points 25


Only good-aligned creatures may wear the armor. Evil creatures who wear the armor take 2d4 temporary strength damage, true neutral creatrues take 1d4 temporary strength damage, both lasting for 1 day. At every sunrise thereafter, a non-Good wearer must make a Fortitude save DC:23 or suffer the penalty again.


The armor's shoulder pads and other metallic parts are decorated beautifully, engraved on the armor is the crest of the ancient order of the Captains of the Heavenly Order which shows the wearer's dedication to good, making them respected by all good-aligned church hierarchy. If the wearer has the Leadership Feat, they also receives a +2 bonus on their Leadership score to attract Good-aligned followers and cohorts, but suffers a -2 malus to attract Evil-aligned followers and cohorts.

The following powers and properties are unique to each armor;

Assembly of Light - The Order of Light chose a mithral breastplate to represent them in the order. The powers unique to this armor are as follows;

Boosting Strength

Three (3) times per day - The wearer may request a short surge of power from the armor during a fight. By doing so, the armor lends up to its enhancement bonus of armor class and grants the wearer an equal bonus to their attack bonus with a weapon against an evil alignment creatures for one round in combat. If this power is requested against a non-evil creature, the armor class echancement lowers an equal amount to the requested attack bonus for one round in combat. In the case of multiple attacks during the same round, the wearer would receive the bonus on all attacks against creatures for that round. Non-magical weapons become magical for that round in combat. This power stacks with other magical attack bonuses from a weapon.



Caster Level: 9th

Prerequisties: Craft magic arms and armor,

Spells Required:

Market price:

Material Required:

Weight: 15lbs