Book of Tranquility

The canon called “Tranquility” bears a rich green or blue cover, with pages of pale gray or off-white instead of pure white. Chapter names and titles are written in silver colored ink (or real silver whenever possible), and the cover is usually made of wood with a cloth covering (although types and styles vary considerably). The signature of the scribe that copied it is usually found inside the back cover, and some clerics of the faith value the work of certain scribes more than others due to their neatness or style.

Tranquility is divided into three Dreams of increasing size. The first, Healing Dreams, endorses a healthy amount of sleep and rest in daily life. Future Dreams, the second chapter, covers the topic of prophetic or allegorical dreams and spends a great deal of space on interpreting dreams. The final and most important chapter is Inner Dreams. Inner Dreams, according to the faith, are an individual’s hopes and aspirations. The chapter stresses identifying and achieving those dreams.

The initial placement of Healing Dreams leads worshipers to believe the main doctrine of the faith concerns sleeping. This is a slight misconception. Tranquility does encourage getting enough rest, but most Dream Weavers also use it as an analogy. The faithful should pursue their Inner Dreams, while taking time out to rest and review their processes (much as an individual rests at night and dreams about events in the past, present and future). Clerics are urged to refrain from waking a sleeping individual, including attacking a sleeping enemy. Waking a friend who might be in danger is acceptable if the cleric cannot handle or avert the danger.

The canon is readily available in Thygasha and the rest of The Reanaaria Bay area for 60 gp. Elsewhere, it is rarer, but still available in temples across the Sovereign Lands.