Book of the Triad

The canon known as the “Triad” (or “Powermaster’s Triad”) actually consists of three books that the Seekers of the Three Strengths speak of as a single work. They are individually narrow, but they form a hefty work when placed together. The Seekers of the Three Strengths point out this feature of the books as an analogy in their sermons.

Powermaster’s Triad guides the union of Mind, Body and Spirit, in that order. Each volume advises the worshiper how to use one of the three traits as part of his unified self. The first book advocates knowledge, especially knowledge of a person’s trade or craft as opposed to academic knowledge. The second volume includes exercise routines, dietary notes (interpreted as laws by the Seekers) and recipes for healing herbs and medicines. Spirit, the third volume, describes meditation techniques, exotic exercises for developing extraordinary powers (such as those exhibited by monk characters) and bits of wisdom for those seeking guidance through life’s troubles.

Worshipers are encouraged to work hard, eat and drink in moderation and avoid dangerous activities that might injure them until they are sufficiently prepared. Obesity is a minor offense for followers, a moderate one for clerics. Laziness is punished by hard work, and bad sportsmanship earns the offender one to three days in a pillory outside of the temple. The creation or use of poison is the worst offense against this faith. Poisoners are captured, imprisoned and starved to death.

The Triad is available in all of its temples. Physically weak people who request a copy of it are judged and asked to perform a task such as lifting a heavy rock, pulling a cart or carrying a sack of grain. The chore assigned is above the capacity of the petitioner, but one that he can learn to do in only a couple of weeks if the petitioner works hard. After completion of the task, the petitioner may purchase a copy for 35 gp. Known followers might be exempt from such assignments at the Seeker’s discretion.