Glacier Dwarf

Out of all the frostfell dwarves in all the lands these dwarves have little ties to their ancestral mountains or their brethren from the southern lands. This is because of countless years in the cold tundra above the northern polar cap and them seeking an altogether different metal to forge weapons and armor. These dwarves have taken to build underground cities and incredible fortresses in the glaciers they call home. These glaciers always have mines much similar to the way in the mountains except that everything is crafted and carved of ice. The dwarves who dwell in these fantastic structures are Glacier Dwarves.


Glacier Dwarves are not sociable and somewhat introverted; they have a clear focus on solely their clan and its family members. They do enjoy life and see wealth and material possessions to be a fundamental part of that enjoyment. They believe in hunting and gathering sufficient food to feed themselves, and trade heavily as well. They are excellent miners’ and labor intense folk especially when it comes to their blue steel.

Physical Description

Glacier Dwarves are the shortest, of all the dwarven races, they have a tendency to be squat with stocky bodies and stubby legs, and they are an average of 3’ and are considered very tall at 3’6”. They range in weigh from 120 to 185 lbs., and their skin is white almost a pale bluish shadow color. Their eyes are generally a shade of blue or gray in color. They have white or very rare gray hair. Most male Glacier Dwarves have neatly groomed beards and not so long, with twisted mustaches and often sport heavy thick chests hair, while the females are limited with less or no facial or body hair.


Because of the harsh life in the frozen lands most natives are inclined to get along, especially for trade as food can be sporadic during winter. Glacier Dwarves are considered natives to the polar cap regions, and tend to keep good relation with humans, gnomes, halfings, and elves; and in that order of preference. Un-like many other demi-humans glacier dwarves get along well with humans.


Glacier Dwarves are normally always a form of neutral alignment; this is due to their focus on self-preservation. They are not cruel, but life can be difficult on a polar glacier, day to day life is a constant struggle to eat and live, this contributes to their stand-offish demeanor in general.

Glacier Dwarf Lands

Glacier Dwarves live in the cold glaciers or the northern polar cap, mining a special material known as blue steel. These dwarves have great skills at crafting with ice and magical ice, and are tolerant to cold weather.


Glacier Dwarves have no bases of religion in their everyday society, as such they have little to no clerics, every day tends to be a struggle for life and elders as teachers are a more common leaders of their faith. Those that do worship typically worship The Bear.


As Glacier Dwarves trade regularly, they will learn Merchant Tongue, and many will even learn and favor other Fhokki. Many of the warriors will learn frost giant and dragon, as it’s a good strategy to know thee enemies.


Glacier Dwarves tend not to set out for adventure; it’s more like adventure finds them. Whether it’s outsiders tiring to look in, or them looking out for needed allies against their frostfell enemies. The interest in blue steel keeps many travelers to venture to the Dwarf Glacier lands; this increases the need for strong fighters. Among the frozenland they are the toughest warrior of the tundra.