Lord of Justice

The True



Spheres of Influence: The True is the god of justice and truth.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Spells Returned: At Dawn

Favored Weapon: Longsword

Appearance: The Magnificent Magistrate appears as a young, beautiful, athletic being. She has long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. The Exalted Judge is clad in gold chainmail and a flowing white cloak; she wields two longswords (“Truth Seeker” and “Justice Bringer”) known as the Swords of Justice.


Worship: Worship of The True is held predominantly in city temples, which often contain courtrooms. Truthseekers open each religious service with the phrase “The truth must be told” and close each service with the phrase “All was truth.” These phrases are often used by Truthseekers in their official positions of judge and magistrate, even when local law does not provide for such invocations.

While the Truthseekers themselves sacrifice gold, they offer special tokens for the poor who might not be able to afford a real gold coin. The faith sells these sacrifice tokens, called “scales,” for one silver piece each.

Holy Symbol: A scale balanced on the tip of a golden sword against a white background.

Holy Days: Summer and winter solstice. Furthermore, the first of Declarations is called Almsday, and worshippers are expected to make donations to the poor as well as sacrificing their gold. The clerics have to examine their supplicants carefully; the largesse can become considerable, and scoundrels sometimes sneak in to accept the donations. Incidentally, Almsday also marks an annual gathering of highranking clerics to discuss major theological and legal issues.

Holy Colors: White and gold.

Holy Animal: A falcon. Some Truthseekers argue against falconry, while others claim that falconry is an acceptable part of the religion, provided that they give their animal the greatest care.

Raiment: Truthseekers frequently act as magistrates and adjudicators in larger towns and cities. As such, it is critical that they maintain a professional appearance. They wear white or gold robes in accordance with their rank in the church, along with the appropriate accessories. Their robes are always made from the finest materials. Truthseekers who live in impoverished areas make do with simple linen robes, but they are fastidiously maintained.

Advancement: Advancement within the Courts of Justice is by seniority or by the apprehension of outlaws. Truthseekers who serve as official judges or magistrates for a local government typically draw salaries from the government in addition to any that result from their rank within the faith. The nature of the faith’s doctrine and the additional source of income means that Truthseekers are rarely caught accepting bribes.

To become a Magistrate, the character must have apprehended a known criminal subsequently convicted upon evidence he uncovered. The Magistrate must also have 5+ ranks in Knowledge (local). (Note that this Knowledge skill includes local laws.)

An Adjudicator must have at least 8+ ranks in Knowledge (local).

A Justifier must have 10+ ranks in Knowledge (local). A Justifier’s stipend increases to 200 gp per month.

A True Seer gains a ranger as his second follower.

Sacrifices: Truthseekers sacrifice a number of gold coins equal to their cleric level, or other equivalent gold items, once per month.

Friends and Allies:

The Hall of Oaths: “Truth is the foundation to justice. The Hall of Oaths is the keeper of that truth.”

The Halls of the Valiant: “They work to bring justice and glory to the people. I only wish they were a little more peaceful in their actions…”

The Founder’s Creation: “The foundation of justice is law. The Founder’s Creation helps lay down those laws.”

The Order of Thought: “The Seekers of Sagacity know that wisdom walks hand in hand with judgment."

The Church of Everlasting Hope: “To bring about the dreams of another is a good deed, so long as it breaks no laws…"

The Inevitable Order of Time: “Everything comes back to time. We all have to do what is right and just, for we will meet our own justice in the end…”

Foes and Enemies:

The Temple of Strife: “Wars and destruction are unjust, and forcing such things on the innocent is horrible.”

The Way of the Berserk: “Berserk rage is insanity with a sword. There is no right or wrong, merely bloodlust, and bloodlust is wrong.”

The Courts of Inequity: “To judge yourself greater than others because of where and to whom you were born is foolish. These rich fops should be ashamed of themselves.”

The Confuser of Ways: “Lies undermine justice at all times, and these Imposters are a major obstacle to justice.”

The Congregation of the Dead: “They have no respect for justice or honor, if it obstructs their search for undeath…”

Major Temples: Important centers of worship for the Courts of Justice exist in Dalen, Bet Kalamar, Rosaleta, Sobeteta, Bet Dodera, Bet Bireli, Balelido, and Bet Seder.

The temples of the Courts of Justice allow for the hearing of legal and civil cases. Even in those communities in which they do not have the exclusive right to try cases, they usually manage to retain this right for their own clergy and followers. Even in places where their dire enemies, the Courts of Inequity, are prevalent, the Courts of Justice maintain the courtroom design of their temples to be ready to offer justice to the people at any time.

The temple combines the function of judicial bench and altar, with the senior cleric performing services from a raised dais on which the bench/altar rests. Junior clerics, who serve as scribes and advocates, sit nearby. Worshippers or petitioners stand on a lower level. The temple is scallop-shaped, with the bench at the center of a wide fan.

Cathedrals have multiple benches, with each trying different cases. The faith only constructs cathedrals in places where it has a strong presence and long-term control over the judicial system. Therefore, cathedrals are always busy places, with court functionaries, petitioners and litigants and seekers of justice small and large present during all the daylight hours.

Temple shape varies with the cathedrals, although the architects maintain the scallop shape whenever possible. Balelido has a unique design in that multiple stories feature successively smaller scallops, forming a ziggurat-like building. It has become a favorite appointment for the Truthseekers and is rapidly gaining prestige within the faith.

The faith’s seat in Monam-Ahnozh displays an artistic quality uncharacteristic among this austere faith. High towers rise above it, and a double row of columns completely encircles the building. A wide shallow pool fills four acres in front of the temple, containing a fountain that sprays 30 feet high during the daylight hours. High Seer Hava Tanshen enjoys enormous popularity among followers and clerics alike. She seems to have a celebrity akin to that of a famous gladiator or a national hero. She brings a kindness to her justice that makes even her most severe pronouncements seem generous. She has only held her title for four years, and with her youth and favor, she should expect to hold it for decades to come.

Sayings: “When a man lies, he slays forever a part of the world.” - “Bearing false witness is the greatest injustice that can be performed on society, for without truth, reality is an illusion.” - “Justice is best performed in a court of law.” - “Be just and true and only good will come to you.” - “If one chooses to live within society, one must follow society’s laws else suffer her rightful and just wrath.” - “Lying is capital punishment for the soul.” - “The truth shall make you free.”