Goods & Gear


Bartering, is the oldest and most common form of exchange on Tellene, it occurs in all places as individuals trade goods for other goods or services, without coin changing hands. Among humans, bartering is very common, especially in settlements of only a few hunderd inhabitants. Elven, halfling and gnome communities also barter goods as a primary method of exchange.


Another method to obtain goods, rather than bartering, is by paying with coins. Coinage makes transactions easier and smoother, and was developed independently by many different civilizations. Among the people of Tellene, the gold piece is the most prevalent coin. Merchants and upper class also use the gold piece as thier standard coin, though exotic goods, promissory notes and even gold bars are used when dealing with large quanties of goods or services. Promissory notes are the most common of the three, for they are the easiest to safely carry. These notes are written documents marked with both the debtor's and creditor's seal, sigils, and or marks, and witnessed by a castle or government offical.

Degrees of Craftsmanship

Most Items in Tellene are of what is known as "normal or "standard" quality. However, a character may also purchase items of greater or be taken for an item of lesser quality.

Masterwork-highest quality

The highest quality is known as a "masterwork" item. These items convey bonuses to their use through their exceptional craftmanship, rather than through magical means. Masterwork items are also works or art in their own right.

All masterwork weapons bestow a +1 bonus to attack rolls, all masterwork armor and or shield reduce armor check penalties by 1, and all masterwork tools give a +2 cirumstance bonus to the related skill check when using them. Masterwork bonuses do not stack with multiple masterwork items or other degrees of craftsmanship.

Sovereign-excellent, above normal quality

An excellent quality item is known as a "sovereign" item. These items are above normal and or standard quality items and can be prized for their combined strength and flexiblility, but they are not works of art like that of masterwork items.

All sovereign weapons bestow a +1 bonus to damage rolls, all sovereign armor and or shield is easier to put on and off reduceing time by 2 rounds, but does not reduce the time to less an a standard action, and all sovereign tool give a +1 circumstance bonus to the related skill check when using them. Sovereign bonuses do not stack with multiple sovereign items or other degrees of craftsmanship.

Standard-normal quality

A normal quality and often called "standard" item is commonly found throughout the world of Tellene. Standard items will follow the basic discreption with no adjustments.

Inferior-poor, below normal quality

Some items maybe of poor quality, and are known as "inferior" items. These items are sometimes falsely sold at full price, and as standard items. Inferior items are half the cost and time to make then a standard item.

There is a danger to buying and using an inferior item. All Inferior weapons have a -2 penalty to attack rolls, all inferior armor and or shields have a -2 penalty to AC and all inferior tools have a -2 circumstance penalty to the related skill check when using them. Also there is a 2% chance (cumulative) that an inferior item falls apart each time it is used, making it useless and unrepairable.

Shoddy-lowest quality

The lowest quality is known as "shoddy". Shoddy items are the worst craftsmanship possible. These item cost a fith the cost and time to make then a standard item.

There is a greater danger to buying and using a shoddy items. All shoddy weapons have a -3 penalty to attack rolls, all shoddy armor and or shields have a -3 penalty to AC and all shoddy tools have a

-3 circumstance penalty to the related skill check when using them. Also there is a 10% chance (cumulative) that a shoddy item falls apart each time it is used, making it useless and unrepairable.

GM Notes: If unsure which bonuses or penalty apply, the ruling is in favor of the PC.

An example is a PC (rogue character) is using tools (picks ect.) in which some are inferior but others are masterwork or maybe even magical, the bonus come into effect and penalties are not applied, but all other effects can still occur such as the inferior items falling apart.