Lord of Intolerance

Emperor of Scorn



Spheres of Influence: The Emperor of Scorn is the god of hate and bigotry.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Spells Returned: At Dusk

Favored Weapon: Club

Appearance: The Despiser appears as a perfect physical specimen of the same race as the observer. When angry, the Emperor of Scorn changes his facial features to those of a jackal.


Worship: Temples to Hatemonger exist in cities and large towns. Huge cathedrals exist in Eldor and other intolerant nations. Altars also exist in righteous lands; however, these are well hidden in cellars and the like. Services among the House of Scorn are irregular. Slanderous rants against the most “threatening” minority race are the highlight of these events, followed by some unsanctioned (but encouraged) act of hatred. The clerics deliberately increase the violence of these attacks over time. They might begin by encouraging their followers to destroy fields, and then throw rocks through a person’s windows, followed by direct personal attacks that result in a beating or even murder. If a cleric is apprehended or killed, the next most senior cleric takes his place.

The Purgers preach the superiority of their own congregation’s race, and each House of Scorn teaches that its congregation has been chosen to rule over all. To this end, the clerics of the Slayer of the Inferior seek to cleanse the taint of other races from their people. Foreigners are either enslaved or lynched. This is known as the Purging.

Unholy Symbol: Golden scepter on a blue background.

Unholy Days: The nights of the quarter moon (Diadolai) are considered unholy nights by The Purgers, though how this originally came about has been lost in the mists of time.

Unholy Colors: Gold and dark blue.

Unholy Animal: Jackal.

Raiment: During special ceremonies and lynchings, clerics wear beautiful golden robes. Level is indicated by a number of unholy symbols sewn or otherwise imprinted on the back of the robe. In this manner, rank is not always immediately apparent, and Purgers are judged by their race rather than rank. Otherwise, they dress in whatever clothing is appropriate. The Purgers tend to favor clothing with their unholy colors.

Special Notes: In most Houses, to advance to any rank beyond rank 1, the Purger must have converted at least a number of creatures of his race equal to the desired rank. Only persons converted while at the current rank count towards the new rank. For example, a cleric who wishes to become a rank 5 Purger must have converted at least five persons while he was a rank 4 Purger. Some Houses are said to require more converts, but rarely less.

Advancement: Although this religion varies from region to region, advancement is usually attained through seniority and number of converts gained.

Sacrifices: Purgers perform lynchings at least once a month. Victims are usually foreigners or races considered inferior. If a lynching is not possible, clerics must desecrate or destroy works of art or other goods that are representative of, and have strong sentimental value to, another race.

Friends and Allies:

The Courts of Inequity: “They understand the concept of inferiority. In that, they are like us.”_

The House of Shackles: “They have enslaved all the lower races… They put them in their place and give us the position of rulers, as it should be…”_

The House of Knives: “They kill any who cross them, and are very useful people…”_

Foes and Enemies:

The Parish of Love: “Love blinds people to the differences between them, and makes them think that all races are worthy of love…”_

The House of Solace: “They heal and protect all, no matter how unworthy…”_

The Church of Everlasting Hope: “Hope is not a useful thing… It tricks the inferior into searching for unattainable greatness.”_

The Temple of the Stars: “They travel to taint others with their presence, rather than remaining with their own kind."_

Major Temples: The largest temples of The Purgers are said to exist in Dalen, Inolen, Premolen, Unvolen, Bet Kalamar, Segeleta, Sobeteta, Kaleta and Bet Bireli.

Although lawful in nature, the House of Scorn suffers extreme division. Each race, each sub-race, and each culture preaches its superiority over all others. Each temple reflects the local architecture with a purity of design and its worshippers are homogenous in race and type.

Cathedrals are few, and nearly all of them cater to the extremely prolific humans. Cathedrals are slightly larger than other temples, and they might or might not be visible to the public. Frequently, a cathedral belongs to a loyal landowner who owns land in a valley or wood that can hide a large structure. It might have to be as far away as a day’s travel away from a city in order to remain hidden.

Dalen hosts the faith’s human seat; each race and culture has its own highest ranking cleric somewhere. The hobgoblin seat is rumored to be in Ashakulagh, and the elven seat in Doulathanorian. The other seats tend to move frequently due to changes in popularity and success of the local temple.

The human leader is an Eldoran woman of purest heritage; she can trace her descent from the earliest Brandobian kings and queens. Brennor Celdril is petite in build but her history looks like the path of a raging troll: the number of bodies she has left in her wake is uncountable.

Sayings: “Love and friendship are for the weak and ignorant.” - “Unity and purity are most noble goals.” - “We shall not rest until the land is pure.” - “Those of our kind that oppose us shall be the first to die.” - At a lynching: “It’s the drop for you, half-breed!”