
In the world of Tellene the gods and religion are an important part of every day life. The feats in this category are based on the idea of expanding the cleric class, and are targeted for this setting and types of clerics found in Kingdoms of Kalamar. As such many have a prerequisite such as belonging to a specialty cleric class, and these feats are often secrets known only by a cleric of that faith.

Faith Feats

Faith Feats gives a character a pool of faith points that they can spend to attain various bonuses and benefits. Unless noted otherwise, you can spend only one faith point per round. Spending a faith point isn't an action - it doesn't even have to be your turn - but whatever you’re doing with the faith point might be an action. If so, it’s described as such in the feat description. Faith feats impose significant constraints on character behavior, and they rely on judgment calls.

Faith Points: When you perform deeds that advance the cause of the religion or philosophy you

espouse, you earn more faith points. Awarding faith points is based on the magnitude of the deed and how well your character is “walking the walk.” Your character can earn 2 to 5 + one-half your character level rounded down in faith points per level. These earnings can vary; some adventures involve matters critical to your faith, while others involve more secular dangers and dilemmas. The DM is the arbiter of how many faith points you’ll earn.

Source Notes: KoK, Divine Masters, d20 Complete Divine