Special Feats


With just a short period of meditation, you can change your maneuvers and tactics to meet the threat you currently face.

Prerequisite: 1st level Crusader, Swordsage, or Warblade

Benefit: You can change your readied maneuvers at any time by taking a full-round action. If you're a crusader, your current granted maneuvers are lost and you gain new granted maneuvers as if you had just readied your maneuvers for the day.

Normal: You can change maneuvers only by spending 5 minutes to do so.


A character with this feat has apprenticed himself to a master in order to speed his learning and bolster his skills.

Prerequisite: 1st level only, DMs approval needed

Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain all the benefits described in this section for being an apprentice.


Once a character has taken the Apprentice feat, she is considered an apprentice. The first thing she must do is select a type of mentor; the mentor choices are listed below. The DM can create new mentor types using the listed mentors as guidelines. Upon becoming an apprentice, a character immediately gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills.

These new class skills are added to the class skill list for any character class or prestige class she gains. The specific skills gained as class skills depend on the type of mentor she selects.A character immediately gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills. These new class skills are added to the class skill list for any character class or prestige class she gains. The specific skills gained as class skills depend on the type of mentor she selects.

In addition, the character gains one specific benefit (the exact type depends on the type of mentor selected) from her mentor, and in desperate times she can even call upon him for aid. Apprentices are expected to learn and grow, and mentors are loath to step in and provide physical support or financial aid, or to pull strings for an apprentice. Convincing the mentor to aid in this way requires a successful level check (d20 + character level), the DC of which is set by the DM and varies from 10 for simple favors to as high as 25 for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. A successful check means the mentor helps in some way (lends a magic item, accompanies the character on a short mission, pulls strings to get an appointment with the mayor, and so on) but demands double the normal tithe the next time the character gain a level. Once the character asks for aid, no further requests for aid will be honored until she gains at least one experience level.

Finding a Mentor

When a character decides to become an apprentice, she must first locate an appropriate mentor. Not just any NPC will do. As with the Leadership feat, apprenticeship depends heavily on the social setting of the campaign,the actual location of the PC, and the group dynamics. You're free to disallow this feat if it would disrupt the campaign. Unlike Leadership, the allied NPC does not travel with the PCs, so he or she won't take treasure, XP, and spotlight time from the player characters. A character can try to gain a mentor of a particular race, class, and alignment, but the actual details are left to the DM. If a character selects a mentor who is too different from her skill set, interests, or goals, the advantages of this feat are correspondingly diminished. The mentor has gear as an NPC (see Table4—23: NPC Gear Value,page 127 of the Dungeon Master'sGuide) and must have the Mentor feat.

Expectations of the Apprentice

Maintaining the status of apprentice isn't cheap. The apprentice is expected to tithe 100 gp of her earnings each time she gains a level. This tithe covers costs such as supplies, guild dues, gifts to the mentor, and miscellaneous costs. The tithe must be paid to the mentor as soon as possible (and certainly before the character gains another level), or she risks losing her apprenticeship.

Additionally, an apprentice is expected to practice her skills, study, and even undertake minor tasks for her mentor. Every week, she must spend at least 8 contiguous hours working for her mentor and practicing her skills. If she fails to meet this requirement, she must spend an additional day the next week. If she shirks her duties in this manner for an entire month, the character's mentor expels her from the apprenticeship.

Mentor Types

The eight mentor types described below are fairly generic, and can encompass any alignment, race, or class. A mentor can easily be a chaotic evil gnome wizard craftsman or a lawful good human rogue, for example.

Each mentor type is associated with two skills; as detailed above, the apprentice gains these skills as class skills. In addition, each mentor grants the apprentice additional benefits unique to his profession and calling.

Craftsman: A craftsman mentor is skilled at building things. A craftsman grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on all Craft checks and a 10% discount when he purchases raw materials for items he makes (including items made with the Craft skill or with an item creation feat, but not spell components or services).

Associated Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (architecture and engineering).

Criminal: A criminal mentor is a high-ranking memberof a thieves' guild, an assassin, a bandit lord, or any similar miscreant. A criminal grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and an extra 100 gp to spend on equipment as a starting character at 1st level. In addition, the apprentice is not required to pay the 100 gp tithe at each level, provided he remains an apprentice in good standing. He is expected to comply with requests from his mentor for minor services or tasks, such as tailing a subject, staking out a prospective work site, and so on.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Gather Information.

Entertainer: An entertainer mentor is an actor, musician, storyteller, or other notable personality, often someone quite recognizable or famous. An entertainer grants her apprentice a +2 competence bonus on diplomacy checks and the ability to call upon the aid of an admirer or fan by spending a tithe appropriate for the apprentice's level. The admirer is of a character level equal to 1/2 the apprentice's own (minimum 1st) and must be within at least one step of his alignment, but can be of any race or class. The ally serves the apprentice for a limited duration (usually a number of days equal to his Charisma modifier, minimum of 1 day) as if a cohort. Once the apprentice calls upon the aid of an admirer, he may not do so again until he gains at least one level.

Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Perform.

Martial Artist: A martial artist mentor has perfected a particular style of fighting, often exotic. A martial artist grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws.

Associated Skills: Concentration, Tumble.

Philosopher: A philosopher mentor is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. In a civilized area he might be a scholar or librarian, while in the wilderness he might be a shaman or nomad. A philosopher grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Concentration checks and a +2 bonus on Will saving throws.

Associated Skills: Knowledge (any one), Sense Motive.

Soldier: A soldier mentor is a commander of an army, a captain of a garrison, a mercenary leader, or otherwise in command of a combat troop. A soldier grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.

Associated Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (local).

Spellcaster: A spellcaster mentor could be a priest of the character's religion, a teacher at a wizard's guild, or an inventor seeking a protégé. Spellcaster mentors are not as useful as the other seven mentors for characters who cannot cast spells themselves. A spellcaster grants her apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Spellcraft checks. The tutelage of a spellcasting mentor grants additional benefits only if the apprentice shares the same class as his mentor. The apprentice only gains these benefits when he gains a level in this class; he retains all the other benefits of this feat (the bonus skills and the bonus on Spellcraft checks) regardless of what class he chooses to gain a level in.

If the apprentice and his mentor are arcane spellcasters, he gains one additional spell known at 1st level. Wizards gain this spell in their spellbooks, and spontaneous casters such as sorcerers or bards gain an additional 1st-level spell beyond their normal number of spells known. As the apprentice gains levels, he is able to learn additional spellcasting techniques from his mentor; wizards can copy from their mentor's spellbook at no charge. Spellcasters who do not prepare spells (such as a bard or sorcerer) gain increased flexibility with the spells they know. Each time an apprentice gains another of these levels, he can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged. If the character and his mentor are divine spellcasters who prepare spells (such as clerics, druids, paladins, or rangers), he can select one spell he knows as a preferred spell. This can be a spell of any level he can cast. Once per day, the apprentice can spontaneously cast a preferred spell by swapping out any prepared spell of an equal spell level. He can only have one preferred spell at a time, but each time he gains a level in the associated class, he can change his preferred spell to a different spell.

Associated Skills: Knowledge (any one), Use Magic Device.

Woodsman: A woodsman mentor might be a hunter, a caretaker of a forest, or a scout. A woodsman mentor grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks and the ability to follow tracks as if the apprentice had the Track feat, but only when the DC is 20 or lower.

Associated Skills: Knowledge (nature), Survival.

Mentor Statistics

The DM will develop the mentor's statistics. A mentor has a base level of 5th, modified by the apprentice's Charisma bonus (if any) and by the following situations. These situations only apply when the feat is first taken; if any of these situations change at a later date (for example, the apprentice's alignment changes), the mentor's level does not change.

Condition Modifier

Mentor and apprentice are same race and class +1

Mentor and apprentice are same alignment +2

Mentor and apprentice share one alignment aspect +1

Mentor and apprentice are opposing alignments —1

Apprentice starts at maximum rank in at least two of the mentor's associated skills +1

Special: Becoming an Ex-Apprentice

In the case of the death or loss of a mentor, an ally or associate of the prior mentor (who is of an equal level to the original mentor) typically takes the place of the original. The benefits gained from the Apprentice feat are not altered. Two conditions can alter the apprentice benefits.

Surpassing the Mentor: Once the apprentice reaches 5th level, he graduates from his apprenticeship. He continues to gain the benefits of the Apprentice feat, but no longer needs to work with his mentor. The mentor's associated skills remain class skills for purposes of determining the maximum rank he can have in those skills, and he still retains the secondary benefits, but an associated skill can only be purchased as a class skill if he gains a level in a class that has that skill as a class skill. He no longer needs to tithe to his mentor upon gaining levels. If you allow, he can also immediately exchange his Apprentice feat for the Mentor feat (see below).

Expulsion: Grounds for expulsion include actions deemed destructive by the mentor, failing to pay tithes in a timely manner, or simply not spending the time required to study the chosen craft for an entire month. A character can also choose to leave an apprenticeship; although the apprentice can part on good terms with his mentor, the game effects are the same as if he were expelled.

An expelled apprentice immediately loses the secondary benefits of this feat, and his apprentice class skills immediately become cross-class skills unless he possesses a level in a class that grants the skill as a class skill. A skill that becomes a cross-class skill begins to atrophy; the next time the character gains a level, any skill ranks in excess of his normal maximum skill ranks for a cross-class skill are lost forever.

Gaining a New Mentor

If a character is expelled or voluntarily leaves an apprenticeship before he surpasses his mentor, he can seek out a new mentor. The new mentor can be of any type. Finding a new mentor is time consuming. The ex-apprentice must make a successful Gather Information check (DC 10 + character level), and each attempt takes a number of days equal to his character level. Success indicates he has found a new mentor; failure indicates that he has not, but he can try again.

Once a character gains a new mentor, he must immediately pay a tithe of 100 gp times his character level. He must then spend at least a week of 8-hour days studying and working with his new mentor to become familiar with her teaching methods. After this time, the apprentice gains the mentor's associated class skills and secondary benefits, but he does not gain bonus skill points for the new class skills.

A new mentor's maximum level is one level lower than the level of the previous mentor (minimum 5th). A character who constantly changes mentors or keeps getting expelled soon finds that no one wants to take him on as an apprentice.


You are learned in the arcane ways of Netheril, where masters of magic once molded and shaped arcane energy to their own will.

Prerequisite: 1st-level Wizard

Benefit: When you prepare spells, you can break down up to three existing arcane spell slots to create a specified number of lower-level spell slots. (A 0-level spell counts as 1/2 level for this purpose, so a 1st-level spell slot could be broken into two 0-level spell slots.) The sum of the levels of all the new spell slots must equal the level of the original. The number of spell slots you can create in this manner is otherwise unlimited. Spell slots that you break down into multiple lower-level slots remain that way until the next time you prepare spells, at which time you can choose to restore your spell slots to normal or break them up again.

Normal: A character can always choose to use a higher-level spell slot to prepare a lower-level spell, but any "remainder" spell levels are lost.


You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of bringing the unlawful to justice. Although many of your fellow monks frown on your methods, none can doubt that your diverse training has added to your ability to strike precisely and bring down your foes quickly.

Prerequisites: Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, favored enemy

Benefit: When you use an unarmed strike to deliver a stunning attack against a favored enemy, you can add one-half your favored enemy bonus on damage rolls to the DC of your stunning attempt.

If you have levels in ranger and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage. For example, a human 7th-level ranger/1st level monk would deal 1d10 points of damage with her unarmed strike.


You belong to a special order of religious monks that teaches its adherents that self-enlightenment and honorable service grow from the same well of purity. As a student of this philosophy, you have blended your training as a paladin and as a monk into one seamless whole.

Prerequisite: Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, smite evil

Benefit: Your paladin and monk levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage. For example, a human 3rd-level paladin/1st-level monk would deal 1d8 points of damage with her unarmed strike. Your paladin and monk levels also stack when determining the extra damage dealt by your smite evil ability.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the paladin and monk classes. You must still remain lawful good in order to retain your paladin abilities and take paladin levels, and you must remain lawful in order to continue advancing as a monk. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You practice an unusual martial art that mixes self-taught spellcasting and melee attacks to great effect.

Prerequisites: Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, ability to spontaneously cast 2nd-level arcane spells

Benefit: As a swift action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, you can sacrifice one of your daily allotment of spells to add a bonus to your unarmed strike attack rolls and damage rolls for 1 round. The bonus is equal to the level of the spell sacrificed. The spell is lost as if you had cast it.

If you have levels in sorcerer and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your AC bonus. For example, a human 4th-level sorcerer/1st-level monk would have a +1 bonus to AC as if she were a 5th-level monk. If you would normally be allowed to add your Wisdom bonus to AC (such as for a unarmored, unencumbered monk), you instead add your Charisma bonus (if any) to your AC.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the sorcerer and monk classes. You must still remain lawful in order to continue advancing as a monk. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of stealthy combat. Although your fellow monks may frown on your methods, none can doubt that your diverse training has improved your ability to strike precisely and bring down your foes quickly.

Prerequisites: Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack

Benefit: When you use an unarmed strike with a sneak attack to deliver a stunning attack, you add 2 to the DC of your stunning attempt.

If you have levels in rogue and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage. For example, a human 5th-level rogue/1st-level monk would deal 1d8 points of damage with her unarmed strike.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the monk and rogue classes. You must still remain lawful in order to retain your monk abilities and take monk levels. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You have practiced a secret technique that combines your considerable talents in unarmed combat with a greater understanding of your inner ki.

Prerequisite: Monk, Ki power, ki strike (magic)

Benefit: Your monk and ninja levels stack for the purpose of determining the size of your ki pool. For example, a 4th-level monk/2nd-level ninja with this feat could use her ki powers a number of times equal to 3 (half the sum of her monk and ninja levels) + her Wisdom bonus (if any).


You have been trained in the druidic traditions of the Ashbound, seeing yourself as one of nature's avengers. You consider the use of arcane magic to be a vile and unnatural act.

Prerequisite: Druid, Ability to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally

Benefit: The duration of your summon nature's ally spells is doubled. Creatures summoned by those spells receive a +3 luck bonus on their attack rolls.


You can turn your fist into an instrument of law.

Prerequisites: Monk, Ki strike (lawful), Stunning Fist

Benefit: Against a chaotic opponent, you can make an unarmed attack that does an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack ruins the attempt). Each attempt counts as one of your uses of the Stunning Fist feat for the day. Creatures immune to stunning can be affected by this extra damage.


You can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.

Prerequisite: Paladin, Ability to cast paladin spells

Benefit: You can cast most of your paladin spells faster than normal. If the spell normally requires a standard action, you can cast it as a swift action. If it normally requires a full round to cast, you can cast it as a standard action. Spells with longer or shorter casting times are not affected by this feat.


Your fighting instincts grant you a sophisticated blend of defensive techniques and controlled attacks.

Prerequisite: Fighter, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: Battleshifter Training enables the use of three tactical maneuvers;

Tiring Defense: To use this maneuver, you must use the Combat Expertise feat (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively for 2 consecutive rounds. Any creature that attempts a melee attack against you in both rounds but fails to hit you becomes fatigued, provided that you successfully strike the creature with a melee attack at least once during those 2 rounds. This effect continues for as long as you use Combat Expertise (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively. Creatures that were already fatigued before they attacked you must make melee attacks against you and miss for 4 consecutive rounds before becoming exhausted (just as if they had not been fatigued).

Exploit Weakness: To use this maneuver, you must make a melee attack against a creature suffering from one of the following conditions: fatigued, exhausted, dazed, or dazzled. If you hit with your melee attack, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. You cannot use this maneuver during a round in which you also use Combat Expertise or fight defensively.

Riposte: To use this maneuver, you must use Combat Expertise (taking a penalty of at least -2 on your attack rolls) or fight defensively. When a foe uses a full attack action against you but fails to hit you, you can make an extra melee attack against that foe as an immediate action.

Special: Battleshifter Training and Ragewild Fighting are inimical to each other; no character can have both tactical feats. If a character chooses to take one of these feats while already having the other, he gains the benefits of the new feat but forever loses access to the first (and does not gain a new feat to replace it).


You can succeed where others would surely fail.

Prerequisite: Character Level 6, any two luck feats

Benefit: If you roll a natural 1 when making an attack roll, you can as a swift action to instead treat the roll as a natural 20. You can use this feat once per day.


You combine grace and stealth to deadly effect.

Prerequisite: Rogue, grace +1, sneak attack +2d6

Benefit: Your rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for the purpose of determining your competence bonus on Reflex saves from the grace class feature and the swashbuckler’s dodge bonus to AC. For example, a 7th-level rogue/4th-level swashbuckler has grace +2 and gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, as if she were an 11th-level swashbuckler. Your rogue and swashbuckler levels also stack for the purpose of determining your sneak attack bonus damage.


You combine agility and extraordinary combat prowess to great effect.

Prerequisite: Fighter, Weapon Specialization, Grace +1

Benefit: Your fighter and swashbuckler levels stack for the purpose of determining your competence bonus on Reflex saves from the grace class feature and the swashbuckler’s dodge bonus to AC.

Your fighter and swashbuckler levels also stack for the purpose of qualifying for feats that require a minimum fighter level, such as Greater Weapon Focus.


Your faithful service to your patron deity involves training and methods that many paladins consider questionable. By using the unconventional methods of rogues and assassins, you have learned to deliver devastating sneak attacks against evil foes.

Prerequisite: Paladin, smite evil, sneak attack

Benefit: When you successfully use your sneak attack ability and your smite evil ability against the same foe in a single attack, you can potentially daze your foe. An opponent affected by both abilities must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the paladin and rogue classes. You must still remain lawful good in order to retain your paladin abilities and take paladin levels. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You have foregone the pursuit of frivolous musical talents, instead entering religious training in service of honor and justice.

Prerequisite: Paladin, bardic music, smite evil

Benefit: If you have levels in paladin and bard, those levels stack for the purpose of determining the bonus damage dealt by your smite evil ability and determining the number of times per day that you can use your bardic music. This feat does not allow additional daily uses of smite evil or bardic music abilities beyond what your class levels would normally allow.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the paladin and bard classes and may even gain additional bard levels regardless of your lawful alignment. You must still remain lawful good in order to retain your paladin abilities and take paladin levels. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You have found a balance between your woodland training and your devotion to religious training, blending these two aspects into one seamless whole.

Prerequisite: Paladin, track, smite evil, wild empathy

Benefit: If you have levels in paladin and ranger, those levels stack for the purposes of determining the extra damage dealt by your smite evil ability and determining the bonus for your wild empathy class feature. This feat does not allow additional daily uses of smite evil.

If you have both the special mount and animal companion class features, you can designate your special mount as your animal companion. The mount gains all the benefits of being both your special mount and your animal companion. For instance, a 5th-level paladin/6th-level ranger’s special mount would have 4 bonus Hit Dice, a +6 natural armor adjustment, +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, two bonus tricks, and Intelligence 6, as well as the empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws, and link special abilities.

In addition, you can multiclass freely between the paladin and ranger classes. You must still remain lawful good in order to retain your paladin abilities and take paladin levels. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.


You can add power to your spells or spell-like abilities at the expense of your companions' health.

Prerequisite: Any one metamagic feat, moderate depravity

Benefit: You can enlarge, extend, heighten, or widen a spell, as though you had the appropriate metamagic feat, without increasing the spell level or, for spontaneous casters, casting time. You can apply any number of these metamagic effects to a spell in this way; if you choose heighten, then that spell's level is heightened by up to two levels. For each level of metamagic you apply, one of your allies takes 2 points of Constitution damage. In this case, "ally" is defined as someone who knowingly and willingly fights alongside you against a common foe, or who otherwise considers you a trusted companion. You decide, when casting the spell, which ally takes the Constitution damage. You cannot select an ally immune to Constitution damage or an ally without a Constitution score. For purposes of this spell, you cannot designate a summoned or charmed being as your ally. You can use this feat once per day.

Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you gain an additional two uses per day.


You have taken on some of the aspects of the type of element that infuses your flesh.

Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save +4, Genasi (air, earth, fire, or water)

Benefit: You gain a +4 saving throw bonus on saving throws against poison, sleep, paralysis, or stunning. You also have a 25% chance to turn a critical hit or a sneak attack against you into a normal hit (as if you were wearing light fortification armor). If you are wearing fortification armor (or a similar item or have an ability with a similar effect), use the one that has the larger percentage chance.


You are adept at lessening the effects of blows.

Prerequisite: CON 19, Toughness, Dragon Bloodline

Benefit: You gain damage reduction 2/—. This feat does not stacks with any damage reduction you have from other sources. Damage reduction cannot reduce damage below 0.


You can channel inner energy to make your ki powers last longer.

Prerequisite: Ki power

Benefit: By spending an extra daily use of your ki power when you activate it, the chosen effect lasts for an additional round.

You also gain one extra daily use of your ki power.


You know the secret mantras that grant you greater understanding of your ki.

Prerequisite: Ki power

Benefit: You gain three extra daily uses of your ki power.


Your ability to deal spell damage is particularly striking.

Prerequisite: 4th-level Warmage

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on your warmage edge, plus an additional +1 bonus per four warmage levels.

Normal: A character’s warmage edge is equal to his Intelligence modifier.


You are especially devout or insightful, and you have more control over which of your martial maneuvers are currently granted than other crusaders.

Prerequisite: Crusader level 1st

Benefit: You begin each encounter with one additional readied maneuver granted. This teat also applies when you determine a new set of granted maneuvers after recovering expended maneuvers. For example, if you are a 5th-level crusader, you normally begin an encounter or finish recovering expended maneuvers with two of your five readied maneuvers granted, and the remaining three maneuvers withheld. With this feat, three of your five readied maneuvers are granted, and only two are withheld. Naturally, this benefit provides you with a better array of maneuver options early in a battle.

Special: You can take this feat only once.


You are an unusually perspicacious student of the Sublime Way, and you find it easy to keep alarge number of maneuvers ready for use.

Prerequisite: Swordsage level 1st

Benefit: increase the number of maneuvers you can ready for your swordsage levels by one. For example, a 5th-level swordsage can normally ready six maneuvers. With this feat, she can ready seven.

Special: You can take this feat only once.


You are wise and have conditioned yourself taping into your natural instincts.


Benefit: +1 bonus on Wisdom checks, Constitution checks, and Wisdom or Constitution-based skill checks.

You tap into your instinct for survive to help with deadly conditions.

Prerequisite: Ranger

Benefit: Your grants you a +1 bonus on saving throws against death effects, on saves to avoid death by massive damage, and on Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot and cold environments or to resist damage from suffocation.


Some styles of martial arts require the student to memorize advanced medical text's and anatomical charts. These styles favor the intellectual over the introspective.

Prerequisites: Int 13, must be gained at or before the first level of the monk class is taken.

Benefit: You use your Intelligence modifier rather than Wisdom modifier for all monk special abilities that normally rely on Wisdom.


You practice a powerful fighting style that focuses equally on martial skill and mystical dedication.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with all martial weapons, ki power

Benefit: Your fighter and ninja levels stack for the purpose of determining the size of your ki pool, as well as your AC bonus. For example, a 5th-level fighter/1st-level ninja with this feat could use his ki powers a number of times equal to 3 (one-half his ninja and fighter levels) + his Wisdom bonus (if any), and would have a +1 bonus to AC (as if he were a 6th-level ninja).

Your fighter and ninja levels also stack for the purpose of qualifying for feats that require a minimum fighter level, such as Greater Weapon Focus.

Special: A fighter can select Martial Stalker as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Your monastic training included extensive work with pole arms and other similar weapons.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with the selected weapon, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, flurry of blows class feature

Benefit: Chose a pole arm. You can treat that weapon as a special monk weapon, allowing you to perform a flurry of blows with it.

Special: A fighter may select Pole Fighter as one of his fighter bonus feats.


You have mastered a merciless form of combat that emphasizes using brute strength to shatter your foes.

Prerequisite: Barbarian, Power attack, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: Ragewild Fighting enables the use of three tactical maneuvers;

Instinctive Strike: Ragewild warriors know that the magic wielded by many powerful creatures can confuse the mind and cloud a warrior's judgment, and so they learn to react to magic forcefully. Whenever you fail a Will save against a spell (excluding spells with "harmless" in their saving throw entry), you can make a single melee attack as an immediate action before the spell takes effect.

Rattle the Weakling: To use this maneuver, you must hit the target creature with a melee attack in the first round, then make a melee attack using Power Attack (taking a penalty of at least -5 on your attack rolls) in the second round. Any creature of your size category or smaller hit by this attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Str modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

Brutal Charge: To use this maneuver, you must charge a foe and successfully hit with a melee attack. If this charge attack hits, you can spend an action point to deal extra damage equal to your Strength bonus (1-1/2 times your Strength bonus if you use a two-handed weapon).

Special: Battleshifter Training and Ragewild Fighting are inimical to each other, and no character can have both tactical feats. If a character chooses to take one of these feats while already having the other, he gains the benefits of the new feat but forever loses access to the first (and does not gain a new feat to replace it).


You have mastered the art of delivering precise strikes against nonliving creatures while channeling spell energy through your melee attacks.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack, caster level 5th

Benefit: To activate this feat, you must sacrifice one of your daily allotment of spells (minimum spell level 1st). Doing this is a swift action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.

In exchange, you gain an insight bonus on your melee attack rolls and damage rolls for 1 round. The bonus on attack rolls equals the level of the spell sacrificed. The bonus on damage rolls is 1d6 points per level of the spell sacrificed, plus any extra damage based on your sneak attack ability.

These bonuses apply against only one type of creature, depending on the type of spell sacrificed. If you sacrifice an arcane spell, they apply against constructs; if the sacrificed spell is divine, the bonuses apply against undead.

This feat does not allow you to deliver critical hits or sneak attacks against constructs or undead.


You have mastered one or more of your rogue special abilities.

Prerequisite: 1oth-level Rogue

Benefit: Based on the rogue special abilities you have, you gain one or more additional special benefits as described below. You gain the benefits for all the special abilities you have, even those you gain after selecting this feat.

Crippling Strike: You can deal Strength damage even to a target that is immune to extra damage from sneak attacks.

Defensive Roll: You can use this ability three times per day, rather than once per day.

Improved Evasion: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Reflex saves.

Opportunist: You can use the opportunist ability as many times per round as you can make attacks of opportunity, but no more than once per creature per round. Each use of the opportunist ability counts as an attack of opportunity.

Skill Mastery: When taking 10 with a skill to which you have assigned skill mastery, you can treat the die roll as a 12 instead of as a 10. (In effect, you’re “taking 12.”) Slippery Mind: You gain a +2 competence bonus on the extra save granted by slippery mind.


You are so intimately familiar with certain spells that you don’t need a spellbook to prepare them anymore.

Prerequisite: 1st-level Wizard

Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier that you already know. From that point on, you can prepare these spells without referring to a spellbook.

Normal: Without this feat, you must use a spellbook to prepare all your spells, except read magic.


You combine your scout training with the stealth of a rogue to open up new methods of ambushing enemies.

Prerequisite: Scout, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6

Benefit: Your rogue and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing.

In addition, you can qualify for ambush feats as if your sneak attack bonus damage were the sum of your skirmish damage and sneak attack bonus damage. You cannot sacrifice skirmish extra damage to use those feats, however.

Special: A scout can select Swift Ambusher as one of her scout bonus feats.


You have applied the hit-and-run tactics learned from scouting to your strong hunting abilities.

Prerequisite: Scout, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Favored enemy

Benefit: Your ranger and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st level ranger would deal an extra 2d6 points of damage and gain a +1 competence bonus to AC when skirmishing, as if she were a 5th-level scout.

Your ranger and scout levels also stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if she were a 5th-level ranger.

In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or skirmish attacks.

Special: A scout can select Swift Hunter as one of her scout bonus feats.


You have been trained to fight larger creatures, and you are adept at dodging their attacks.

Prerequisite: Fighter, Dodge, racial dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type

Benefit: When you designate a creature at least one size category larger than you as the target of your Dodge feat, you apply your racial dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type against attacks from that opponent (regardless of its creature type) instead of the +1 bonus granted by the Dodge feat.


You are trained in a monastic tradition that uses nontraditional weapons.

Prerequisite: Flurry of blows

Benefit: Choose one light weapon. You become proficient with that weapon and can use it as a special monk weapon. You can make a flurry of blows attack with the chosen weapon. (You cannot choose a light exotic weapon unless you already have proficiency with that weapon.)

Normal: Without this feat, monks only gain these benefits with specific weapons, such as the kama, siangham, or nunchaku.


Your fists and feet sting like the dread white scorpion and are particularly effective against undead.

Prerequisite: Monk, ki strike

Benefit: Your unarmed strike has the ghost touch ability (allowing you to ignore the 50% miss chance when attacking incorporeal creatures), and deals an extra 1d6 points of damage to undead.


Your paladin spell list is enhanced.

Prerequisite: 1st-level Paladin

Benefit: When you gain this feat, you may add the 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-level spells granted by the Cold and Winter domains as paladin spells of the same levels. You do not gain the ability to cast spells of these domains of 5th level or higher, nor do you gain the granted powers of the domains.

Special: If you have any levels of cleric, these additional domains are not available to your cleric levels, since they are technically paladin spells in this case.