Seacliff Dwarf

Most dwarves prefer to have as little to do with the ocean as possible, whether that means living beside, upon, or certainly within it. Nonetheless, some regard the open sea with incredible fascination.

All seacliff dwarves are good swimmers, as behooves folk whose lower passages can fill with seawater during major storms. Living areas and the like are always situated well above even the highest such waterline.


Seacliff Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken out of the action by death not injury. There is no substitute or exception to an honorable victory in hand-to-hand combat, and Seacliff Dwarfs are not known to back down from a fight. The combination of being a dwarf and spending the better part their life on the seas means they have acquired a higher level of taste for dwarven ales.

Physical Description

Short and stocky, Seacliff Dwarves are naturally tough and leaner than their brethren. They are more muscular then their cousins, making swimming an easy task for them. Though they are somewhat muscular many have a thick layer of fat under their skin, and their size diminishes their dwarven strength. Seacliff Dwarves are not as dense as their cousins, but they do have a greater flexibility, balance and are not so muscle bound.

A Seacliff Dwarf tends to be taller than other dwarves about 4 ½ feet, and lighter 160 pounds. They are light in complexion with very fair skin, commonly sun burned. They have red, or blond hair, and dark eyes. A typical life span is about 300 years, and some have been known to be as old as 350 years. When the go over 200 years or so, their hair turns white or they go bald.


They tend to get along well with all dwarves and like elves for their natural seamanship, they have been known to serve on board elven vessels and have even lived among them. As merchants their fame is renowned, especially in regards to their supply of rare Dwarven ales and treasures.


Seacliff Dwarves are not known to prefer any one alignment more than another, but they do tend toward neutrality. Adventuring dwarves are most likely to fit the common mold; however, some who did not fit perfectly into dwarven society tend to be chaotic alignments more often.

Seacliff Dwarf Lands

Nothing like most other dwarves, the SeaCliff Dwarves make their homes on the ocean coasts of Tellene. A Seacliff Dwarf stronghold is known as a great trade center and many merchant ships make port in these harbors. Some clans of dwarves settled not in the mountains favored by most of their race but in the tall, secure cliffs that overlook the sea. These seacliff dwarves are considered by other dwarves to all be salt beards, though in truth most of them prefer the safety and security of their subterranean homes as much as any other dwarf. The difference is that those rare few among them who would be salt beards don’t have far to go.


Seacliff Dwarves typically worship of The Wander, and The Lord of Storm. When in need at sea Seacliff Dwarves will call upon the patron saint of The Lord of Storm; Saint Lorenne D'Erathmus.


Seacliff Dwarves mostly speak Merchant Tongue to others outside their race and only speak dwarven to their brethren. Seacliff Dwarves commonly learn Elven, Gnomish, Halfling, and might learn the languages of various enemies.


Seacliff dwarves are referred to as 'salt beards', by other dwarves, they take to adventure at sea, and tend to shipboard life as readily as any human or elf. They typically are shipwrights or sailors or fishers of the sea. They are also expert armorers, weaponeers, and engineers, and their services are highly sought after by many captains. It is often a Seacliff Dwarfs charge not only to man a ship but also to protect the precious cargo of these ships.

Source Notes: Stormwrack D20