Droconic Races


Dragons have been living and breeding for eons. Sorcerers of many races carry a trace of this draconic ancestry. Is every sorcerer a member of a race of the dragon? No - although the blood of the dragon may be in all of them, it is dilute and latent in the vast majority. A stronger link to dragonblood is necessary for one is to claim descent from draconic ancestry. Being a member of the dragonblood races goes much deeper than merely speaking Draconic. Races of the dragon are those with strong ties to their dragon progenitors. They often behave in ways that reflect their mighty draconic heritage.


If a member of a race possesses the dragonblood subtype, That member has a strong affinity to dragons-which means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target dragons also affect it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by dragons, and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the subtype as a prerequisite. The dragonblood subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect dragons. The dragonblood subtype does not confer the dragon type or any traits associated with that type. For instance, it does not give a creature frightful presence.

Those with dragonblood automatically qualify for any classes, prestige classes, racial substitution levels, feats, powers, or spells that require the dragonblood subtype. All races presented in this site may have the dragonblood subtype. Should a creature acquire the dragon type for any reason, it loses the dragonblood subtype.


Dragonborn children are a unique race in that they are not born; they are reborn. Each one enters the world as a halfling, an elf, a human, or a member of some other race with all that race’s propensities and traits. Dragons will beckon to their would-be followers, and those few who might choose to serve them.

Most of those who hear the "Dragon’s Call" discover and heed it's call after reaching adulthood, but most even later in life. Not all who are called answer.

The call is a strange event that one must experience to understand. It takes the form of a courteous mental question, asking if one’s heart and soul are able and willing to undertake dedication to a noble and arduous purpose - protecting the world of Tellene from the spawn of evil.

The "Dragon’s Call" asks the chosen one if he or she is willing to give them-self over entirely to this cause, giving up all that he or she was before to transform into one of the Dragonborn. This choice is never easy. The chosen one is made aware of the many sacrifices he or she must make, from their racial identity to their family and friends, even their whole way of life. The only reward for those forfeitures is service to the Dragon and it's abiding love.


The Rite of Rebirth as it is called is the transformation of a character into a dedicated draconic servant of a dragon, this is known as a dragonborn. Becoming a dragonborn isn't undertaken lightly. It is a long process full of self-reflection and commitment. Those supplicants raised in the ways of their original race must carefully consider what they’re giving up. While a human might be content to give up their natural versatility, it’s rare for someone heavily invested in their racial identity to forfeit that race’s abilities.

When the rite begins, the supplicant lays aside all their equipment and possessions for the duration of the ceremony. Dressed in a loose, linen shift, they spend a full day and night fasting and meditating upon their choice. Their mind fills with all the things they are giving up, reminding them of what they must forgo to become a dragonborn.

When dawn comes, the prospective dragonborn crawls inside an egg-shaped structure that she has built in order to sleep for the last time in her original form. This symbolic act represents her acceptance of the transformation. When the next dawn arrives, she is transformed into a dragonborn. After awakening inside the sealed egg, she breaks out of it as a glorious, draconic child of a dragon.

Prerequisites: In order to be accepted as a suitable candidate, the supplicant must be non-evil and have an Intelligence score of at least 3.

Benefit: A dragonborn loses many of her original racial traits and gains the racial traits of the dragonborn race.

Time: The Rite of Rebirth requires 24 hours of meditation and fasting followed by 24 hours of sleep. If the ceremony is interrupted, the prospective child must start the rite from the beginning.

Cost: The symbolic egg crafted by the prospective dragonborn costs 100 gp to create, and requires a handful of scales from the chosen dragon type.

Special: Only the Dragonborn is a playable character race in Tellene.