Star Elf

a.k.a Mithral Elf

With the humans on their southern coast, goblinoids in the mountains, and a powerful and dangerous human empire to the far east, the Star Elves decided that they needed to find a safer home.

Centuries ago Star Elves lived with their kin Wood Elves. Together Star and Wood Elves formed a nation. They had thousands of years of peace during this time, mostly becuase they stayed isolated from the events of others across Tellene. The human nations expanded quickly to the southern coast and battled the elven nations along the way. The elves lost, and retreat north, many into the Voldorwood.

The elven high mages created a network of stone circles around their lands, which was then used to channel a spell that formed the Realm of Twilight. Finally the Star Elves completely abandoned their lands for the Realm of Twilight. The Wood Elves decided to remain behind as the Star Elves retreated to this land and have stayed there until recently, forced out by unknown dark sorcerers who are corrupting their home with strange magic.


Aloof and cautious, Mithral Elves are unfamiliar with recent events in Tellene and even other races. Isolated in their cities, within the Realm of Twilight, Star Elves have had little to no contact with dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and even humans, and they liked it that way. It was the war-like and expansionist humans that caused them to create their realm and flee their original home in the first place. They generally get along with other elves, though they fear for some elves and half-elves of whom they believe are overly liberal and a touch inexperienced.

Star Elves are generally uncomfortable with most forms of magic, viewing wizards and the type with no small amount of distrust. Clerics and other divine spellcasters fare little better in the eyes of a Star Elf. However, Star Elves are largely at ease with the ways of the primal magic used by druids, barbarians, shamans, and wardens, which they feel is the truest expression of supernatural power - or rather, a reflection of nature itself, used to protect the wilderness. Star Elves are not completely adverse to arcane magic and Star Elf bards, sorcerers, and wizards are far from unknown, although Star Elves as a whole have no particular tradition of the Art.

Physical Description

A Star Elf can only be born from untainted Wood Elf blood lines or pure blood Star Elf parents. Star elves have light skin and hair of golden blonde, light red, or silver gray. They have deep gray blue eyes with occasional gold flecks in them. They are tall for elves, averaging over 5' 6" to 6' tall, and have a slender build between 100 - 140 lbs., while women are about half a foot shorter and weigh around 110 pounds. In their homes they favor elegant, embroidered tunics but dress in neutral colors with dappled gray-green cloaks to remain unseen in woodlands. They are graceful and strikingly by human standards, even more so than other elves.


Most Star Elves have removed themselves from the everyday life of Tellene and therefore have little understanding of humans, dwarves, and other races. They think of humans as aggressive expansionists who readily take up blade and spell to get what they want, and they regard humans with caution. They get along well with other elves, especially Sun Elves, but fear trouble from the Moon Elves’ unguarded generosity and engagement of humans.


Perhaps not surprisingly most Star Elves prefer not to involve themselves in the world’s troubles. Star Elf society values individual accomplishment and rights over collective effort, so Star Elves as a race are generally chaotic in nature rather than lawful alignments.

Star Elf Lands

Star Elves are a sub-species of Wood Elf, but do not share the nations or lands with their brother Elf any longer. They are concentrated in their Cities of Twilight, true hidden fortresses.


Star Elves largely worship the Mother of the Elements, but unlike their kin, they do not do so exclusively. Many Star Elves have a special place in their heart for the Bear and the Guardian, whose protection of the wilderness is something the Star Elves themselves try to embrace. Among the gods, the Star Elves most commonly worship the Great Huntress and The Watcher, who have particular connections to the untamed wilderness. The Great Huntress, or as some elven call the god of 'archery', is a popular god among the Star Elves, who the Star Elves will sometimes invoke as their protector and patron deity just prior to a battle. Evil Star Elves worship the Unseen One, the Creator of Strife or the confuser of Ways.


Star Elves speak High-Elven, Low-Elven and Sylvan. They consider knowledge of humans a necessity because of the global influence which they monitor closely, but find human culture & language out of the question to study and learn. At best those few that adventure will learn Merchant Tongue.


After more than a millennia in isolation, Star Elves have realized that they know little about the world from which they took refuge. As their ancients no longer shield them entirely, many have begun to debate whether the Twilight Realm should remain closed. A few have taken it upon themselves to scout out the lay of the land of Tellene, seeking knowledge to defend their home.