The Quintessential Monk

" Not all monks spend their days meditating behind monastery walls. "

Character Concept

The Character Concept is a core idea for the monk class that allows players to create a background in Tellene quickly and easily. It also provides both a bonus and penalty for added role-paying a character. Only one Character Concept may be allied. If chosen, a character concept is considered in addition to the basic monk class It must be stressed that the character concept is a role-playing tools, and not simply a method to gain new abilities.

Fighting Schools

There are many types of monks and monasteries through out Tellene, some of which are Monk Fighting Schools. Fighting Schools allow monks to break from the traditional monk. Fighting schools allow you to mold any common archetype by using the monk class as a base, while freeing the character from monk abilities that can seem extraneous to their concept.

Tricks of the Trade

A monk is more than the sum of his feats and or special abilities. The world of Tellene and the martial arts of Rukogun are filled with ancient fighting doctrines, philosophies and colorful rituals. These are simply known as Tricks of the Trade.