Not Frequently Asked Questions But Questions I Think Someone Might Possibly Want An Answer To

1. What's up with the title of this page?

It's just a more convoluted and more honest way of saying "FAQ".

2. What is Com'c?

Com'c is an odd webcomic created by me, Krixwell. It focuses on a group of neighbors in an apartment building in Hereton City.

3. What does the title Com'c mean? Why do you call your strips "str'ps"?

The first str'p's title summarizes it in what could've become a bad tagline for the comic: "They're i-less, get it?"

If you don't get it, the name, the word "str'p" and the title of the first str'p are referring to the fact that I draw my characters without eyes - or i's, if you wish. In other words, it's a comic without eyes (i's), i.e. a com'c. Same goes for the str'ps. I haven't extended the "ban" on i's further than that, because that would be k'nda stup'd.

4. Who are you?

My name is Kristian Jacobsen, but online, I go by Krixwell. I am a 16-year-old boy from Northern Norway and a fan of webcomics. However, the drawing skill in my family went to my sister.

5. How was Com'c created?

On September 26th, 2013, I was doodling in a notebook in class when I drew the faces of what would become Victor and John in a very simplistic style. I then drew Vee and Marc, as well the first and only handdrawn Com'c str'p. Later that day I redrew that str'p in Paint. The day after I started working on the website and some other str'ps.

6. How can I contact you?

You wondered that and looked for the answer on this oddly named page instead of the one named "Contact", conveniently located in the same horizontal navigation?

7. When does Com'c update?

Mondays, Fridays and Sundays, usually around 7.30 pm GMT/UTC, plus or minus half an hour. The current update schedule will always be displayed on the about page, and is more likely to be up to date than this page.