Com'c #6

Publiseringsdato: 05.okt.2013 14:29:14

Forks are good for voting with.


I told you she was random, didn't I?

I'm sorry about the lateness of today's update (although it would be normal time for a Monday or Wednesday update). My excuse is that I literally slept until about 2 PM today, and didn't eat breakfast until half past three. Although according to a good friend of mine, Saturdays are GMT-2 here (as opposed to the usual GMT+2, or +1 without DST), so it was actually 10 AM and half past eleven.

Today marks the end of the first week of Com'c with an actual update schedule, which feels good. I hope to be able to keep up with the schedule as long as possible, and some things suggest I'll be able to.

On an unrelated note, I finally got Steam on Thursday. If you want to add me, I'm Krixwell there as well.

I want to end this commentary on a joke, but I think it's best just to fork-et about it. (Oh, how the awfulness of that pun burns...)