Com'c #214

Vote or vote not, there is no try.

Commentary Transcript

- "your feelings" (your results may vary)

I think I might have given Luke more characterization in this str'p than the Original Trilogy of Star Wars did in its entirety. That's just one of several things I don't like about Star Wars. I won't judge Clone Wars or the Extended Universe, as I have no experience with them, but as for the Original and the Prequel Trilogies (I guess I have to specify that, as there's another trilogy coming - my guess is that will become known as the Disney Trilogy or something), Marc is largely reflecting my opinion. I wouldn't really go as far as to call them "awful", but I certainly don't think they're good. They are watchable. Once.

If Vader has checked out the result with the pictures, the climax of Episode VI might've been better.

Next time TV dialogue comes up, it will have a new bubble style again. Specifically, the tail will not be a lightning shape, at least not one of MS Paint's. I'm done with those as bubble tails after this str'p.

What I'm more pleased with is the border effect on Vader's speech bubbles. This and the bolding were attempts to make him somewhat recognizable, which was especially important before I added Marc's line because his line in panel 1 would be the first clue that this was about Star Wars and I needed you to know that by panel 3. And that sentence also covers why I added Marc's line. Yay for multi-purpose sentences!