Com'c #5

Publiseringsdato: 02.okt.2013 13:50:38

If they had stepped on the

caterpillar instead, vote buttons

would rule the planet. BEWARE.


It's Wednesday, and that means a new str'p! Yay!

I don't know if John is being serious here. He probably isn't, judging by the fact that he's inspired by me and that both Victor and John are smiling throughout this str'p, but I simply don't know. It might sound odd that I don't know what my own character is thinking, but that's fairly common when writing for characters.

So, I'm currently doing okay schedule-wise. I've currently got enough str'ps made to last until Wednesday next week, and they're fairly easy to make due to the simplistic drawings. The hard part is coming up with good scripts. If I have to go down to two comics a week, it'll more likely be because I couldn't keep up with the scripts than with the drawings. That said, I did come up with another script today. As long as I can come up with an average of at least three scripts a week, I should be able to keep up just fine.

Boring stuff about Facebook, site activity and Analytics

On another note, I linked to the comic yesterday on my rarely used Facebook account (which I'm not going to link to), and I got a lot of visitors. According to Google Analytics, I got a total of 29 visitors yesterday (which I believe includes me, so let's say 28). Excluding me, that's 27 from Norway and one from the UK, the latter one (likely) being NNF, the inspiration for Vee. For comparison, I got five visits on Monday.

I did also tweet about the comic several times before, but I'm 99% sure none of my followers or on the #webcomic hashtag followed the link.

Conclusion: Facebook helps to get quite a few visitors, at least at the start. Twitter, not so much, but I guess it depends on who follows you. It will be interesting to see how many return for today's comic.