Transcript of #232

"Vote"? I never said "vote", nope, never.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Nope Guy and Summer, common room.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Summer U. Evans: Don't you ever say anything else?

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Panel 2:

Marc, common room. Nope Guy and Summer are off to the right.

Marc Cervelle: He does, actually.

Summer U. Evans: Oh, hi, Marc. He does?

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Marc Cervelle: Reluctantly. I tricked him into saying "Yup." once.

Summer U. Evans: Really?

Panel 3:

Back to Nope Guy and Summer.

Marc Cervelle, off-panel: Yeah.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Title: "Blatant Nopes"

Additional tags: lies, dishonesty, denial

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