Transcript of #227

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Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

TQ Cervelle in a film studio in Other City. He is wearing a fully black cap and dark sunglasses, and is in character as Reed Scarlet.

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: So it has come to this, Raphael.

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: I can't let you murder any more people.

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: At least not just because you're out of cake.

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: If it was pie, I could understand it.

Disclaimer caption: Com'c does not endorse murder over a lack of cake, nor of pie.

Panel 2:

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: So I'm going to do what I should have done the moment this all started.

TQ Cervelle, as Reed Scarlet: It's about time someone put a bullet in your chest, Raphael, and that someone will be me.

Nope Guy, off-panel, as Raphael Chelone: NOPE.

Director, off-panel: CUT!

Panel 3:

Nope Guy in the film studio, off to the right from panels 1-2.

Director, off-panel: For heaven's sake, Mister Nope, is it really that hard to remember your lines?!

Nope Guy: NOPE.

Director, off-panel: Then stop messing around!

Director, off-panel: *sigh* Scarlet Stain 4, scene 15, take 32, let's take it from the top.

Title: "Acting Skills"

Additional tags: kill, death, action movie, baked goods

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