Com'c #128

If you can't see the vote button,

you might need glasses.


Block's second line is the sort of thing that good characters just say, regardless of the author's intent. That's Block speaking, not me.

We already knew that Block is invisible and unnoticeable to characters with an intact fourth wall. (Those two str'ps were a huge mistake, along with the entire decision to make him that way. It's a giant moral dilemma that makes me feel awful about myself for things I did almost a year ago and for the reasons I'm reluctant to reverse it. But I won't go into detail about that in this commentary.) However, I don't think I have mentioned before that Krixwell is the same way. The difference is that in his case, it's by choice, and using his author powers, he can turn it off if he wants to. (He can do that for Block too, but again, I won't go into detail about the moral dilemma here.)


Yeah, I got new glasses. I actually got them about a week ago, but I couldn't use the updated Krixwell in the previous str'p since I hadn't established the change yet and got the idea for this str'p close to finishing that one, meaning I couldn't use them without establishing it since that would mess up this one. Yeah, the proper time to change a few pixels is serious business.

Also, the thing about nobody noticing is not based in reality. The change is rather obvious if you've known me for a while, although I happened to do it while spending most of each day with a bunch of people who haven't. I did try to experiment with change blindness, though, by not telling anyone in advance... my best friend called it the moment he saw me with them.