Com'c #85

Votes are not complinown.


There are a lot of things that are complinown (but not porcupines). Most emotions are, for example. You know what happiness is, I hope, but can you define it?

happiness (n.): a feeling of, um... Very good. Much happy. Wow.

Same goes for things like culture or terrorism. It's hard to pinpoint what exactly it is, but you most likely know it when you see it or hear about it. I've been thinking for a while that this sort of thing needed a proper word. "Complinown" was actually my mom's suggestion when I mentioned this to her, and I like it. So here I present these two new candidates for wordship:

complinown (adj.): easy to identify or spot, but difficult to define or explain.

and: wordship (n.): the state of being a word, not to be confused with "worship".