Com'c #41

Publiseringsdato: 03.jan.2014 15:01:15

Happy vote-day to click...


(Tomorrow, I'll be continuing what I started two days ago by writing this yesterday, i.e. today. For the record, tomorrow is today, because today is yesterday. Did you see this, which was written after this but posted yesterday?)

Referenced: Last time.

So yeah, today is tomorrow yesterday my birthday. I'm almost now sixteen. That's pretty much all there is to say on that matter. :)

I think my Krixwell's nose looks a bit better now. It's not as rough in the edges now, having had some pixels removed. I decided not to do something similar for Block's nose (for now), since I like that he has a somewhat rough look. (Fun fact: At one point in the idea stage, Block was a robot. Or an alien. Or both. I don't think I was sure.)

I forgot to mention it in the last commentary, but has reset its votes for January.

...just sayin'... hidden motivations...

...definitely no ninja threatening me with calculators if I don't get enough votes...

Navigation and comments

I honestly need to figure out a better way to handle navigation between str'ps. I'm thinking buttons of some sort next to the vote banner on each page would be nice, but I'll have to add those manually (as I already do with the vote banner; I copy that from the archive or the main page) unless I figure out how to make a template.

Another thing is I recently found out that there's no way to enable readers who are not editors (the only editors are three of me, anyway) to comment using the built-in comments fields supplied by Google Sites. As a result, I'll try a Google Gadget. Comments would be appreciated, and not only to test the gadget solution. I haven't had much feedback at all.

I'll add a gadget if I find one that works the way I want it to. Alternatively, maybe I can find some HTML code? I'll look.

Meanwhile, I'm off to do whatever I'll be doing yesterday.

(P.S. yesterday: Well, I figured out a way to get a comment board! Also introducing: Navigation buttons! Although the "next" button will give a page not found.)