Com'c #255



- Start of the storyline

Who would've thought one of the pros of wearing glasses would be "no need to edit out eyes"?

I had a whole selfie photoshoot in order to get panel 3 right - I now have thirty-one pictures of myself, in profile, holding up a speech bubble with the word "Photorealistic!" in my phone album. Only two were actually usable. It was quite tricky to pull off: I had to make sure the camera tilt was right, that I held the bubble high enough, that I held it close enough to the camera to make it a suitable apparent size, that the tail was pointing at my mouth, that I was smiling properly, etcetera etcetera. In the end, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out, except for the index finger partially covering the E.

I did edit the picture, though, by cropping, resizing and, most notably, painstakingly replacing the background wall color. The original wall color in the picture didn't fit with the canonical location of the str'p, and was making it harder to see the edges of the speech bubble.

Here's the original picture, after cropping and resizing: