Com'c #17

Publiseringsdato: 04.nov.2013 14:26:55

It's okay to hate things. This vote button,

for example, hates non-clickers.


It's Monday again? Wow.

I actually kinda feel bad for Block some times. (I'd tell you not to tell him I said that, but it wouldn't help.) He's stuck within the panels, and knows about it. It's not really a wonder he's so bitter all the time. I'm pretty sure that if you are a character in Com'c, ignorance is bliss, and I think Block is living - or character - proof of that.

That said, we don't actually get to see what Block would be like if he wasn't a wall breaker and was noticeable by the other characters. He might be different, or just like he is now. I don't think we'll find out, but it's surprisingly interesting to think about. For me, anyway.

And now for something a bit more cheerful: It's time to introduce another new character - you'll see her on Wednesday! :D

...or in a few moments if you're from the future. ;) Lucky you. Future people always get the good stuff sooner for some reason. I call discrimination against past people! Oh wait, I shouldn't do that. After all, I'm the one discriminating here. Shame on me.

(P.S. Dec 9: Yeah, shame on you, past me.)

(P.S. Feb 18, 2014: Shame on you, Dec 9 me, for shaming on Nov 4 me. How mean!)