Com'c #196

Votes from Dalmatians happen, but they're spotty.

Commentary Transcript

- Dalmatians

- 101 of them

Dalmatians are a favorite dog breed of mine, at least in appearance.

Whose diary this is was not meant as a mystery, and shouldn't be too hard to guess. There would be a signature in panel 3, but I ran out of space. Additionally, it might be a bit softening to the final line, which is not something I want. There's a reason the end of a joke or thought-provoking statement is called a punchline... though etymologists actually don't know why that is.

Since the str'p itself doesn't make it clear... I'm not going to say whose it is either. It's not a mystery, but I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

What is a mystery, however, is who "he" is. Saying who "he" is would be a spoiler, but I'll tell you this: It's not a new character.