Com'c #2

Publiseringsdato: 27.sep.2013 16:44:12

Hi, I'm the vote button.

I like being clicked.


I think I'll stick with the smaller font size used here for a while. Dialogue can be tricky to fit into the panels, and I honestly wasn't sure if I could pull off having four lines in panel 2.

Anyway, this is str'p number 2. Progress! I think I've gotten a lot done today related to Com'c, which includes making the site, posting the first str'p with commentary, making the second strip and posting it with the commentary I'm writing now.

Paint, or possibly the (IrfanView) JPG file format, creates one problem for me: When a drawing is saved and loaded, the color of the pixels seem to be randomly changed very slightly. It's a small change that doesn't change too much visually (although you can see it if you look closely), but when I'm working on the background (which I suppose looks easy to do) with the filler tool, it's a nightmare. I'm going to try saving in a different format and see what happens, but not now.

Time to talk about the str'p! This str'p introduces the remaining two of the original four characters (I have more characters upcoming, but these four were made before the first str'p, and I think of them as the main characters so far): John and Vee. It's also the first in-comic mention of Marc's name.

Vee is right in the last panel. This comic says something about the relationship between the main four: They're all living in the same apartment building, and have been for years. As for why nobody seems to remember that fact before panel three... who knows? Odd stuff happens. It's completely normal.