Transcript of #221

I know you know I know you know you should vote.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Block and Krixwell, common room.

Block Smith: So Jane... knows.

Krixwell: Yep! She's been trying to hide it from me. I guess she thought I'd make her unnoticeable.

Block Smith: She's coming over here.

Panel 2:

Krixwell, Block and Jane, common room. Block is standing on the other side of Krixwell.

Krixwell: Hi!

Jane Cervelle: You... you knew?

Krixwell: Of course I did. I'm the author!

Krixwell: I obviously know all there is to know about this world.

Panel 3:

Jane Cervelle: I guess that makes s--

Block Smith: So what's up with Nope Guy?

Krixwell: No idea.

Title: "I Know You Know"

Storyline: "Janebreak" (2)

Additional tags: fourth wall, noticability

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