Com'c #20

Publiseringsdato: 11.nov.2013 14:37:09

I'll tell your mother if you don't vote...


Wait, what's this? Different background colors? Woah.

Yeah. In case it's not clear from the str'p, the different background colors show where things are taking place. Up to now everything except the Halloween special has had the same background color, which I call Com'c purple because I don't have a better name for it. The reason for this is that I didn't need to show location. However, that doesn't mean it's a retcon to say that the Com'c purple background means it's at Victor's apartment. The characters often meet up at Victor's apartment, so that's the default location.

I will, at least for now, make it fairly clear when the characters are in a different location in more ways than just the background color - for example through a narration box like in panel one or through the sign on the wall in the stairwell as seen in panel 3.

It was fun to draw that sign. It was a pretty spontaneous idea; I decided there needed to be some way to tell that Marc is in the stairwell, so I decided to put in a stairs sign. However, I figured that it would be much funnier if it was a "watch out for falling neighbors" sign. You can expect to see that sign again at some point.


As you probably can tell, I've continued to experiment with speech bubbles. This time I ended up using rounded rectangles for the bubbles in panels 2 and 3, while leaving it as ellipses in panel 1. The last part was partly because I had already done panel 1's bubbles when I decided to use rounded rectangles and partly because it looked nice.

As for Vee's line in panel 2 and the pointy bit of the bubble: I tried using the curve tool in Paint for this, but that tool is annoying to use. The pointy bit there did look nice enough, and I'm sure I could do it with some practice, but I find it too frustrating for now.

And finally, in Vee's out-of-panel bubble in panel 3, there's something new: miniature drawings of the person talking that can be attached to OOP speech bubbles. They aren't that accurate due to the size, but are just big enough to be recognizable. I hope. Luckily Com'c characters aren't that detailed to begin with.


I noticed that this weekend I only got around four visits. That was probably because the Saturday str'p was so late. Sorry again about that.