Transcript of #195

"Hey, at least you've improved" button.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Block and Krixwell, Block's apartment.

Krixwell: Looking at my old work is painful.

Block Smith: Yes, it is.

Krixwell: The artwork was crap, and the writing was even worse.

Panel 2:

Krixwell: And the things I thought of as funny back in the day...

Krixwell: Seriously, what was I thinking?

Block Smith: You were thinking?

Panel 3:

Krixwell: ...

Block Smith: What?

Krixwell: This is where you're supposed to say that, hey, at least I've improved.

Block Smith: That would be out of character.

Title: "In More Ways Than One"

Additional tags: fourth wall, endercrappy, hindsight

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