Com'c #96

You see a FOUNTAIN in the middle of the area,

a TAVERN to the EAST, an ARENA to the NORTH,

a ROAD to the SOUTH and a VOTE BUTTON to the WEST.

> vote for Com'c

> Read Commentary

> Read about MUD games on Wikipedia

I think I would like to play a game where the player character is a wooden stick. It sounds silly, and I like silly. (Who knew!)

If you're thinking Victor's too old to have played games, remember that he's not as old as he looks. He's just in his 40's 30's, and suffering from early baldness.

And if you're thinking Marc is too young to have played MUDs, remember that some of them are still around. I've personally tried one based on the Wheel of Time series (by Robert Jordan; a great series worth reading 14 books for) a few years back.

(P.S. 15 minutes later: Turns out the very first MUD out there is still running!)

> Read about exam

I'm thrilled to say that my final oral exam yesterday (a.k.a. one of the two most important things in all of secondary school) went... well.

Very well, actually.

I don't want to brag.

But I aced it. :D

Needless to say, this made me very happy. :D

So what does having finished this mean for Com'c?

It means the schedule mess the last month or so has been having is almost over. Next week will not have a Thursday update, because the diploma ceremony is then, but after that, it's back to the regular schedule of Monday-Thursday-Saturday. :-)