Com'c #218

votes hear i come!

Commentary Transcript

- Original babby str'p

To be honest, this didn't turn out quite as funny as I'd hoped, in my own opinion, the explanation being that this str'p was born out of a mild, surmountable writer's block. I also did not originally intend for most of it to be a quote from the original str'p. (P.S.: I guess that makes it stand better alone.)

Note that this is seen from Pink Cookie Jar's perspective this time. PCJ apparently has the same type of computer as John did back when he wrote the answer; John, on the other hand, has a newer one now. This is actually part of why this str'p shows PCJ's perspective; John's new computer has a larger screen.

I don't really expect to get any more feedback than last time, but would anyone actually be interested in an official Com'c forum? Let me know!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to look for my nitrosole alloy.

P.S.: As the panels can be a little obstructive, I have made a stitched-together version of the page for you:

(I know the top left looks derpy. Blame the DBS.)