Com'c #106

You didn't click, you didn't vote?

Nope and nope? How will I cope?


- This isn't Nope Guy's first encounter with an Oddevice.

It's been a while since we last saw Nope Guy. Over a quarter of the comic's run, actually.

Granted, there are a couple characters with similar issues. We haven't seen Ella or Iris since then either. The one thing these characters have in common is a lack of character development (in NG's case, this is intentional). Ella in particular is very undeveloped. The easiest way to develop their personalities is to write them, but this leads to a negative feedback loop: Little characterization (-> little joke potential) -> less likely to be used in a str'p -> little characterization.

In other words, I'm probably going to attempt to involve Ella and Iris (and maybe Nope Guy) a bit more in the near future.