Com'c #19

Publiseringsdato: 09.nov.2013 18:06:59

Continued clicks would be nice...


Sorry this update is late. I had some things to do today.

This str'p has been changed some from the original script - specifically through cutting the last panel and spreading the rest better. The main reason for this was that it had a different punchline, with the current punchline in panel 2, while the current punchline is much better.

The problem with this change is that it doesn't show one thing about Jane that's kind of a minor characteristic of hers. I'll have to show it later. For the time being, let's just put it like this: none of the characters we have so far are in any imminent danger of getting their brains eaten.

Speech bubbles, part 2

You might have noticed that Victor's speech bubbles are unusually round in this str'p. This is not a change made to show anything about his voice compared to Jane's. The thing is that round bubbles look much better than my usual bubbles, in addition to being easier to make, but they don't fit everywhere. Because of this, I will try to put round bubbles where I can, at least for now. Unfortunately, a lot of Com'c dialogue won't fit in a round bubble small enough to look good while cramped between two characters. One-character panels, on the other hand, might work a little better since I can let the bubble go partly off-panel. We'll see how it goes when that time comes.

Food holes

Some of my readers might have noticed that if you compare the previous str'p with this one, Jane doesn't really smile in #18. That's not intentional. The thing is, most characters have three or four standard mouths - (closed neutral), open neutral, closed smiling and open smiling. For Jane, I had to make closed smiling and open smiling today, as I realized the one mouth she already had looked more like open neutral than open smiling, which was the intention.

Maybe it's been noticed, or maybe not, but the most common type of "art evolution" in Com'c is changes to the mouths. In fact, I should update the logo soon to account for the big changes to Victor and John's mouths since the logo was made. John's mouth looks absolutely ridiculous.

For future readers, this is what the logo looks like at the time of writing:

...yeah. Ridiculous. That might be what I'll be thinking about my current mouths too at some point in the future, but who knows what kind of nonsense I'll have in the comic by then. Those cybernetic noses look ridiculous, future me.