Com'c #30

Publiseringsdato: 05.des.2013 17:00:44

Oh, hi!

What do you mean the vote

button isn't your child?


Ten str'ps. That's how long it is since we found out that Vee thinks Jane is Marc's mother. Might not seem like much in the future, but that's one third of Com'c's run so far!

Yup, I've reached 30 str'ps! :D I honestly apologize for this spark of insane celebration that doubles as annoyingly hard to read text, especially for the color blind, followed by a ridiculously long superscript apologizing for it.

We probably won't see Block all that much for a while. I've realized he's been in the str'ps a lot more than the main characters recently. Don't worry, he'll still be there, I'm just going to attempt to focus more on the main characters for a while.

On a related subject, I'm running low on scripts. :( * I need to write more of them before I either start schedule slipping or have to down-adjust the number of updates. I really like doing three str'ps a week (I'd do five if I had the time and the ideas!), but if I really have to, I'll go down to two for a while. Com'c less often is still better than Com'c less reliably, I think.

I really need to figure out a way to set up better navigation in the archive. Maybe I'll go back and manually add "previous" and "next" buttons (and "first" to the main archive page)? It sounds hard to keep up, though, as I'll have to add them manually each update. Maybe I can figure out a way around that. I'll see what I can do.

(On a similar topic I'm sure not many if any at all will care about, I intend to make a better folder structure for the Com'c files on my computer. When I think about it, I should probably also set it to backup automatically to Google Drive too, just in case.)

*: Also, my smilies are yellow now. It looks ridiculous.